Chapter 19

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Y'all know the drill, it's sad boi hours.

TW: panic attacks and self deprecating thoughts, and dead family members.

Kirishima and Katsuki were expecting the break down from their omega as soon as they opened the door to their quarters. They were prepared, letting out dose after dose of calming and soothing pheromones to help with the tense atmosphere.

Katsuki slipped off his boots and cape by the doorway, and Kirishima slightly loosened the strings on his tunic collar to allow his shirt to relax more freely around his muscled frame. Izuku walked over to their large bed, and heavily sat down on the edge, no noise escaping his lips.

After a moment's hesitation, Kirishima came over and sat down on Izuku's right, and Katsuki took the spot on the greenette's left, careful to make sure there was still space between him and their omega. He didn't want Izuku to feel trapped by their presence.

It was quiet for a while, but it wasn't uncomfortable. All three of them had a lot on their minds, but none were willing to say anything and break the tense silence.

Finally, Izuku broke and couldn't contain his emotions any longer. He hunched down and buried his face in his hands, shoulders slightly shaking with concealed sobs. Distress and grief pheromones came pouring out of him in powerful waves, and his fingers found their way to his green curls.

Faces of his family members flashed before his eyes, triggering more quiet, heart wrenching sobs.

His little omega sister, Eri. His older alpha brother, Mirio. His beta uncle, Yagi, who had been forced to pose as an alpha all his life. His omega mother, Inko. His alpha father, Hisashi.

They were all gone. And it was because of Kaminari.

So, why didn't he feel any hatred towards the blond anymore?

It seemed that the only things he was capable of feeling now, was suffocating, unending sadness, guilt, and grief.

But, there was nothing directed towards the golden haired omega. Why? Shouldn't Izuku feel rage, hatred, a thirst for vengeance?

It seemed that all that murderous intent had been drained away when Izuku had first laid eyes on Kaminari in the castle. And he couldn't understand why.

Gods, he missed his family so much. He just wanted to be able to hold Eri in his arms again. He missed play fighting with Mirio, and even those grueling sword lessons with his uncle. He missed the wonderfully comforting scent of his mother and father, and it felt like a lance had gone through his heart when he realized that he would never get to experience anything else with his family.

Ever again.

Katsuki quickly knelt down in front of his omega on the floor, letting out soothing pheromones strong enough to put any omega to sleep.

Gently, the red eyed blond pried Izuku's hands out of his hair and held them in his soft grasp, running his thumbs along the scarred skin. "Izuku, hey," Katsuki said softly. "Look at me, pup. Let me see those pretty green eyes of yours,"

Izuku pressed his lips together harshly, fighting back the sobs building up in the back of his throat. He peered past his curls just enough to catch Katsuki's ruby red gaze.

They look just like her eyes, that thought brought a fresh wave of sadness over him, more tears escaping his eyes as he remembered Eri's beautiful, young, innocent face.

Fire, smoke, the scent of blood and burning flesh-

Katsuki gently used one calloused hand to cup his omega's freckled cheek, his thumb wiping away the steady stream of tears. "Hey, focus on my voice. Take a deep breath for me, okay?" The blond's voice was softer than the smoothest of silk, his tone gentler than a mother would be to their newborn child.

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