Chapter 25

545 35 15

Trigger Warning: Dissossiation, swearing, violence, mentions of blood, and implied rape. Please read with caution.

There was a wall blocking him from feeling his omega's part of the mating bond.

A fucking wall.

Katsuki almost growled in agitated disbelief.

Was... was Izuku blocking him out on purpose? Was it because of the conversation they had had just moments before? Had the blond been wrong to assume that his omega wasn't upset with him?

Maybe he should have apologized more profusely. Maybe if he had, none of this would be happening right now. He should've listened to the gut feeling he had to keep Izuku safe in their quarters, safe in his arms.

Now their omega was somewhere alone in the castle, and every single instinct the two alphas had were screaming at them to go find their mate, and now Izuku appeared to be blocking them out from his side of the mating bond?

But when Katsuki began to push against that wall, a scent came to him from their open door, leading into one of the many hallways in the castle. Again, the alpha shoved against that barrier, and the scent became clearer to him.


The overpowering, horrifying scent of absolute mind numbing fear.

And with that scent, came an unfamiliar one, as well. A strange combination of lavender and campfire. Two aromas completely different from each other, and yet complimenting each other in such an odd way perfectly.

A sudden realization hit Katsuki like the impact of a wild boar would leave behind, sharper than his own sword, brighter than a flash of lightning. He recognized this scent.

That day, seemingly so long ago, when Izuku had been assaulted by an unseen assailant in their bathing room, traces of the smell of lavender and campfire had lingered in the air, imposing and dominating.

...The scent of an alpha.

Katsuki sprang from the bed, retrieving his sword from where it leaned against the wall nearest to the door, completely oblivious to the confused look Eijiro was casting at him. "We need to get Izuku."

Without further elaboration, the spiky haired alpha flung their door open wide and ran out into the hallway in the blink of an eye, sprinting as if hell itself were nipping at his heels.

As he sharply turned a corner, almost slamming into the opposite wall as his momentum carried him forward, the pungent scent of fear and desperation became sharper and sharper in the air.

The alpha inside him began to get riled up, wanting to comfort, protect, and attack all at once. His omega was in some sort of danger, sending waves and waves of protectiveness and guilt coursing through him.

Katsuki growled viciously as he knocked down a tall candelabra stand and turned another corner in the winding hallways of the castle. If he had just listened to the voice telling him to keep Izuku with him, none of this would have happened. He would've been able to protect him!

And now something was happening to his omega, and it was all his fault.

The blond alpha couldn't help the surge of panic abruptly rising within him, manifesting itself in the form of strong and hostile pheromones. Pushing himself to run even faster, not bothering to waste the precious time he had to see if Eijiro was keeping up with him, he prayed to whatever God who cared enough to listen to him.

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