Chapter 7

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About a week and a half had passed since Izuku had been put on Momo's prescribed medicine for his malnourishment, and the two kings were finally starting to see signs of improvement.

Izuku was able to eat more food now, since his stomach no longer screamed at him. The most he could handle was two bowls of fruit and maybe a little bit of rice every day, which was a massive improvement from before.

The medicine Momo had given the omega came with strict instructions. Izuku had to take it with all his meals, no matter how small. The medicine helped his stomach digest the food much more quickly than his body would have been able to in its starvation condition, and it lessened the pains whenever he wasn't able to eat.

Slowly but surely, Izuku was gaining back the weight he needed to survive. The two kings still had to be careful with him, since his bones still hadn't gotten their proper protective layer of muscle and fat.

But since Izuku was improving with his malnourishment, other parts of him had as well. He no longer flinched away nearly as much from his mate's touch, and he was more comfortable with some forms of intimacy, which surprised and pleased the two kings greatly.


The two alphas were chuckling to themselves as Izuku continued his rant of, 'every single room in the castle should have hotrocks, since it's so cold in this godforsaken ice box.'

It was late at night, and the three were returning to their quarters after a long day of walking about the castle grounds. Momo had suggested the walk in the afternoon, as a way to help Izuku regain his strength he had lost. Spending almost an entire week confined to a bed would make any naturally energetic person rather antsy.

Izuku, of course, was by no means energetic. He grew tired easily, he wasn't a fan of adventures. His weakened body certainly didn't help things along, neither did his mental state.

But the small omega was tired of sitting in their room all day, sleeping. He was convinced that his body was well rested, and fit for practically anything. He was wrong, of course.

He wasn't prepared to get so physically and emotionally drained because of a little walk around the castle. But, alas, hence why the three mates were making their way back to their room to retire for the night.

Izuku managed to keep his anxiety to himself as the trio finally reached their quarters and stepped inside. The omega concealed his trembling as Kirishima went over to their bedside and lit a small candle on their nightstand.

The flame flickered to life, but did little to nothing to ease Izuku of his fear of the dark. The two alphas momentarily forgot about their little omega's trigger, so they continued on fluffling the pillows and getting changed into sleepwear.

"Here you go, pup," Bakugo handed the green haired male a bundle of his own, smaller clothes he had grown out of.

Izuku bowed his head gratefully, taking the clothes into his slightly shaking hands and walking into the adjoining room that served as the king's private baths. Here, Izuku let his anxiety slightly show.

The omega still wasn't comfortable dressing in front of his mates, and probably would never be for a good long while. So, he found solace in the privacy of the bathroom, finally allowed a moment to himself.

He loved his mates, of course. But more often than not, their energy and positivity could become overwhelming at times. Izuku was rarely left alone, and he didn't mind that. But sometimes, he needed these small opportunities to de-stress by himself.

Izuku sighed heavily as he closed and locked the door to the bathroom behind him, sinking to the tiled floor and sitting on his knees.

The omega couldn't help himself but marvel at the spacious room he knelt in. In the center of the room sat a large, disk shaped pool, embedded into the floor. He could almost imagine the busy servants hurrying to fill the bath with warm water for their kings, their cheerful chatter and joyful singing filling the air.

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