Chapter 21

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"It's Eri."

Everything about the green haired omega changed in an instant. His emerald green eyes widened, flickering to slits. His ears seemed to perk up, straining to catch any sound down the hallway. His hands balled into fists.

"A-a patrol found her and her caravan. They're in the castle. She's safe-"

"Are you playing with me, now?" Izuku growled furiously, tears filling his eyes. He roughly seized Kaminari by the shoulders, shaking the other male. "She's gone, in case you haven't noticed. Are you bringing her up to continue torturing me, you bastard?"

Kaminari visibly winced, the excitement dying out from his face as fast as an extinguished candle. "M-Midoriya, I wouldn't lie to you about this..." the blond began quietly, eyes cast down to the floor, as if the patterns in the carpet would offer him support.

"Please, just... just come with me to the greeting hall. See for yourself. She's here, Midoriya. Eri is alive."

Something in Kaminari's tone made Izuku pause, cutting off all his possible retorts. The greenette stared into golden eyes intently, searching and scanning for the truth in the other omega's statements in every glimmer and beam of light they caught.

Eri is alive.

Without any more words traded between the two, both omegas morphed into their wolf forms in the blink of an eye, and were dashing down the castle hallways at full speed.

The two kings were left in the dust, trying their best to figure out what the heck had just happened. With nothing better to do, they ran after the omegas. Alpha speed and stamina was something to gawk at, but compared to two omegas in their wolf forms running full out, they were far from gaining on them.

"So, who's Eri?" Kirishima asked his blond mate through his pants for breath.

"No idea, but they sound important to Izu." Katsuki called back, not the least bit winded. "Come on, we're falling behind."

It was easy for the two alphas to track down their omega through the winding hallways of the castle. His distinctive vanilla scent was hard to miss, especially after scenting each other so frequently.

The two omegas were running so fast, their paws barely even touched the ground. Guards making their rounds around the castle pressed themselves against the wall so the two wolves wouldn't run them over in their haste. 

The guards barely had time to recover from their shock when they saw their very own pair of kings dashing right after them. Kirishima sent them bright, disarming smiles, signaling that nothing was wrong and they were just playing around.

Katsuki merely scowled, yelling at everyone in the hallways to get out of his goddamn way.

Finally, after what seemed to be a horrible eternity to Izuku, Kaminari stopped right in front of the massive doors to the greeting hall. Izuku skidded to a stop behind him before he could run into the other omega, both panting lightly.

At the exact same time, the two morphed back to their human selves, Izuku briefly growling out a warning to Kaminari, then both simultaneously reached out and gripped the handles to the double doors of the greeting hall.

Kirishima and Katsuki soon quickly caught up, halting as they stopped behind the two omegas. Izuku glanced back at his two mates, and they both sent him curious looks. It was clear they wanted an explanation, but the green haired omega was too focused, too worried, too excited to stop for a moment longer.

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