Chapter 22

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TW: Panic attack, self-deprecating thoughts, and slight r*pe flashback.

As the traveling entertainers had said, a 'massively big storm' began rolling in. A light drizzle came down from the dark, ominous clouds in the previously blue sky. The sun had disappeared, despite it being in the late afternoon.

Katsuki, Eijiro, Izuku, and Eri were all playing out in the large courtyard, decorated with large cherry blossom trees seemingly growing out of the cracks in the stone flooring, filling the air with their pleasant scent.

Izuku was determined to spend every second of Eri's time here with her. She had been alone for so long, with no family members or their comforting presence. Izuku was determined to never let that happen ever again. Eri had no complaints, basking in the attention she had longed for her older brother to give her.

Katsuki and Eijiro had felt more than a little miffed when Izuku started to pay attention to Eri more than his own mates, but that feeling had disappeared when they also started to play with the little omega. She really was fun to be around.

Izuku seemed to be a lot happier, knowing that she was here with him, safe in the castle. He wasn't able to save any of his family members, nor the omega friends he had made in the Trade Ring. But he could keep his little sister safe. And that's exactly what he planned to do.

"Hey, Izuah?" Eri asked, swinging from a low branch of a cherry blossom tree. Izuku stayed by her, making sure she wouldn't fall.

When the little omega saw that she had her brother's attention, she continued, her ruby red eyes twinkling. "How do you turn into a wolf?"

Izuku started, his eyes darkly flickering as he glanced at his sister seriously. Katsuki and Eijiro looked up, listening closely from their places leaning against the trunk of the large tree.

"Do you not know how, Eri?" Izuku asked, pushing aside his discomfort for the topic for the sake of his little sister.

Eri shook her head, her bottom lip jutting out into a nervous pout. "I've only ever done it when I've been frightened."

Izuku nodded with understanding. "You know, that's how I learned," the greenette smiled, hiding the hidden meaning behind his words. His mates, however, weren't so easily put off.

"I can try and teach you, if you'd like," the older omega offered, keeping the hesitation out of his voice. And calm his rapidly beating heart.

Eri's whole face lit up, and she dropped down from the branch she had been swinging from. "Yes, yes! Teach me, Izuah!"

The greenette smiled at her enthusiasm, and led her a little distance away from the cherry blossom tree. His two mates curiously watched from their spot, leaning against the trunk of the cherry blossom tree.

Izuku sat criss-cross on the stone floor, gesturing for Eri to sit in front of him. He thought to himself, wondering how he was going to teach something that came instinctively to him. He had morphed into his wolf forms too many times to count, so he sometimes forgot how hard it was for other omegas.

"Alright, Eri," Izuku began, forcing himself to be enthusiastic. "I want you to close your eyes. Listen very closely," the greenette gently grabbed his little sister's hand, placing it over where his heart was located. He took deep, calming breaths, his chest slowly rising and falling in a smooth and steady rhythm.

"If you want to morph into your wolf form, you need to be calm. Otherwise, your shifting will be painful and you won't be as strong. The most important thing is to slow your heartbeat down, which I know can be difficult for some people. Do you think you can do it?"

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