Chapter 9

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(*sniff sniff*)

(Is that... Is that our beautiful alien queen I sense up ahead? 👀)

After getting that little hiccup out of the way, everyone was ready to move. The three mates waited out in the courtyard while the bustling guardsmen made last minute preparations.

Almost all of the castle garrison would be participating in this boar hunt, and everyone was ridiculously happy.

That is, until an unexpected problem arose.

"We are all ready for departure, my kings!" Iida called out from beside his horse, straightening his saddle straps so they were satisfactory to his perfectionist eye.

A servant held Bakugo's and Kirishima's horses in a tight grip, their eyes lowered with respect. When the two kings approached their mounts, the servant stepped a safe distance away so they weren't in the way of the horses.

That's when the two alphas realized something. They didn't have an extra horse for Izuku. Since almost all of the castle guards were coming along on the boar hunt, all of the horses had been taken from their stalls.

Izuku merely smiled to himself when his two alphas turned back to him. In the flash of an eye, Izuku morphed into his wolf form, this time the size of a hunting dog. His black fur soaked up the warm sunlight, chasing away the stinging bite of the cold wind. His pupils had narrowed into slits, but his green eyes remained warm and intelligent.

Kirishima grinned widely, reaching down and ruffling the top of the omega's head affectionately. "I almost forgot you could do that," he chuckled.

Bakugo swiveled his head around, surveying his guardsmen's faces for any sign of interest in his mates as he heard many gasps of awe and surprise. He detected none, but still released dominance and protective pheromones.

"You're sure you'll be able to keep up?" Kirishima asked, moving to mount his horse. The stallion was large and well muscled, young and sprightly in his steps. His mane and tail were a warm brown color, while his body was almost as dark as Izuku's fur.

The omega nodded his shaggy head, silently conveying that he could still understand every word that was being said, successfully chasing away some of the assembled guardsmen's doubts and worries.

Bakugo flashed his omega a smirk, hoisting himself up onto his own stallion without any trouble. The blond's mount was a snowy white, his mane and tail a dappled grey. This horse was known to have an uncontrollable spirit, only being tamed by Bakugo himself. And even then, the stallion was known for ignoring the commands his rider would give. Perhaps that's why Bakugo had bought the horse in the first place.

All of the horses were trained to run alongside hunting dogs, so they had no trouble accepting the 'wolf' darting around their hooves. Izuku trotted up to Kirishima's horse, as he appeared the most safe and least likely to be spooked by any sudden movement.

A nearby servant in the courtyard, sensing that the time for departure was near, grabbed another fellow comrade and, with their combined effort, hoisted the double doors of the courtyard open, holding them in place as they backed themselves against the walls to avoid getting trampled.

Bakugo walked up to the front of his assembled forces, hips rocking in time to his horse's gait. No more than fifteen guardsmen were joining them on the boar hunt, the rest would be remaining at the castle.

Everything was silent in the courtyard as all eyes were trained on the blond king. Finally, after what felt to him was the right amount of suspense, shouted out, "Alright! Who's ready to kick some wild boar ass?"

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