Chapter 12

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(I am so sorry for not updating yesterday! It was just such a busy day and I kinda forgot that it was Friday!)

(Y'all can have some angry sword fighting bois to make up for it.)

Tw: Dead bodies of family members.

There was smoke.

So much smoke.

The horrible stuff made its way down Izuku's throat, and he coughed violently in an attempt to clear it. But no matter what he tried, the smoke always came back.

It burned his throat, his eyes, his everything. He prayed for it all to end, to let him catch a glimpse through the dark smoke that obscured his vision.

Finally, his wish was granted in the worst way possible.

Fire seemed to ignite from the smoke, and his world was consumed in flames. Izuku screamed, shielding his face from the onslaught of heat attacking his body. But that only caused more smoke and ash to rush down his throat, poisoning his lungs.

But none of that seemed to matter when he finally caught sight of the bodies in the fire.

He soon recognized his surroundings as he fell to his knees on the hardwood floor, slowly being consumed by the raging flames surrounding him. Even past the horrible smoke, he could still smell their all too familiar scents.

He was in the remains of his burning house, his family laid out before him like a sick presentation.

God, he couldn't even recognize their faces, how badly burned they were! Izuku screamed, pain consuming him everywhere. Flames attacked his body, tearing at his clothes and burning his exposed arms. But no physical pain could amount to what he was feeling on the inside.

The omega made to walk forward, his bare feet screaming in protest against the boiling hot floorboards. Patches of his clothes began to sizzle away as he came closer to the horrifying scene.

He saw three bodies, flesh melting off their skeletons and revealing the stringy muscle beneath. But traces of their scents remained behind, and Izuku desperately inhaled his mother's strawberry vanilla scent, his father's musky and rainy smell for the last time.

He dimly heard shouting, but the horrible snapping and crackling sounds emitting from the flames drowned everything out. A single tear slipped from his eye before the smoke slowly started to suffocate him, and he lost consciousness.

Izuku woke up being dragged harshly by his wrists. His horribly burned back slid painfully against the long grass, and he felt himself being lifted up and tossed over someone's shoulder, causing the little breath he had to be pushed out of his chest.

The omega wheezed, releasing pain and confused pheromones reflexively. Slowly, he cracked open his eyes, wincing at the bright sunlight.

What he saw before him caused his whole world to come crashing down.

In the distance, he could see flames in the town he had called home for so long. A house was burning. His house. His sensitive ears could hear the dim shouts and cries of panic from neighbors, people already gathering around to try and stop the fire before it got out of hand and burned down more homes.

The person holding him over his broad shoulder, growled at Izuku's distressed pheromones, clearly making himself known as an alpha. He felt a harsh slap to the back of his head, and he yelped and whimpered.

But Izuku's pain was forgotten when he caught sight of more and more alphas surrounding them. As he grew aware of their frightening presence, he spotted some omegas in their wolf forms, their eyes filled with sadness and guilt.

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