Chapter 13

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TW: Non-consensual touching and self-degrading thoughts.

Bakugo and Kirishima found their mate in the training arena after everyone else had cleared out. The small omega was currently sitting down in the sand and touching up his sword's edges with a sharpening stone, getting rid of the blunters that had been applied there for the day's sparring session.

Unknown to Izuku, his vanilla scent was tainted with subtle distressed and aggravated pheromones, and his sword hand was twitching painfully. Most likely due to overexertion. His sore shoulders were hunched inwards, appearing even smaller than he really was.

His whole body was sore. He really had overdone it today, which meant that he'd have to take a couple day break until his weak body could recover completely.

The omega was disappointed in himself. In his abilities, in his horribly fragile emotional state, in his inability to be a proper mate, in his timidness.

Gods, why was he so weak? Why did people put up with it? He really wished he could slap himself in that moment, but a voice made him freeze.

"Hey, Izu!" Kirishima called out cheerfully, making the omega jump and instinctively morph into his wolf pup form with a yelp.

Both alphas cursed, and quickly knelt down beside the small omega. They released their powerful scents, the training room filled with calming and loving pheromones.

"I'm sorry, pup. I didn't mean to scare you!" Kirishima said softly, slightly swollen lips turned down into a guilty frown.

Seeing as it was his mates with him, Izuku turned back into his human form, head lowered. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out like that. I just zoned out, I guess."

Seeing as their mate had calmed down on his own, they both hugged him gently and nuzzled into his neck. Izuku giggled, his pheromones being replaced with happy and content ones. The two alphas smiled, letting their own pheromones change with Izuku's mood.

"How was training?" Bakugo asked. "Did you win? How are you feeling? You didn't get hurt, did you? Are you hungry?"

Izuku stopped the blond's flow of words when he waved his hands around frantically in the air. "Kacchan, I'm fine!" he added with a sly smirk, "and I won, too."

Bakugo smirked, and pulled Izuku towards him so the omega was straddling his lap. "I knew you would," he nuzzled his nose against the smaller male's. "Ei had his doubts, you know."

The red headed king gasped offendedly. "I did not! I had every faith in you, Izu." he scooted closer to his mates so his chest was pressed against Izuku's back and his arms were wrapped around his middle.

Both alphas were still slightly on their little high they had gotten from certain... activities, and their primal instincts right now were screaming at them to do something with their omega. It also didn't help that they were both dangerously close to the time of their rut.

Izuku sensed something had changed in his mate's pheromones, a change that made him nervous. But he didn't say anything, trusting his alphas that they wouldn't do anything to him.

They wouldn't... right?

Kirishima started to slowly kiss the omega's jawline from behind, the first sign that something was off. Izuku's mates knew to ask for consent in some form whenever they wanted to do anything, even something as simple as kissing.

The redhead's lips wandered down to the omega's neck, kissing and nipping lightly at the skin. Bakugo's hands started to rub his hips, wandering down to his thighs ever so slightly. The blond kissed the other side of his neck, a bit more aggressive than the other alpha. That's when Izuku started to panic.

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