Chapter 6

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Izuku looked around the beautiful meadow, his emerald green eyes twinkling with happiness. He sat down with a joyful sigh, his fall cushioned by the thick, flowery floor.
He laid back, squinting his eyes up at the bright sun. The sweet smell of pollen tickled his nose, the multi-colored petals falling down and mixing in with his green curls. He felt completely relaxed.
Every pain, every ache in his body was non-existent. He raised his arms up into the air, stretching with a wide yawn. Then he paused as he caught a glimpse of his pale skin.

Every bruise, every scar had disappeared, leaving only pale, white lines. Curious, Izuku sat up, flower petals sticking to the back of his shirt and head. He gently prodded at his ribs, and gasped with surprise.

His bones didn't feel like they were going to burst out from his skin anymore. The constant feeling of hunger gnawing at him was replaced with a satisfied feeling of fullness. His joints didn't connect painfully with the ground, instead was cushioned by a soft layer of muscle.

He felt amazing, he felt happy. He felt absolutely wonderful.

Izuku felt alive.

He leapt up, and the blood rushing to his head didn't leave him lightheaded, or leave black spots in his vision. He laughed aloud, and jumped into the air.

He started running. He ran around the gorgeous meadow, kicking up loose flowers and dirt. A cool breeze filtered through his hair and tickled his nose, and he spun in a circle.

He fell back down, radiating with euphoria. He wasn't the least bit tired, nor out of breath. His laughter echoed around the clearing, the beautiful sound like a musical bell resonating within every living being who would stop and listen.

Izuku wanted to stay in this beautiful place forever, convinced that it was Heaven on earth. He never wanted to leave.

All his worries, all his pains, all his problems disappeared. He closed his eyes and laid down in the safe arms of the abundant, soft flowers underneath him.

Then, he felt a sudden pang of sadness in his heart.
Something was missing, and that feeling became clear to Izuku once he focused on it. He sat up once more, a puzzled frown on his lips.

I miss my mates, Izuku realized. He whined, his head turning around the meadow, as if his two alpha's would magically appear beside him.

But to his grief, the two kings did not saunter out of the trees surrounding the meadow. Slowly, the sounds of the birds in the branches died down, the joyful sound leaving a haunting silence behind. The flowers around him no longer seemed so bright and joyful, and the wind brought a strong, sour smell with it as it blew.

He was alone.


Izuku woke slightly when he slowly became aware of a gentle hand running through his green curls. He momentarily tightened his grip on the person holding him, alerting them to his awakened state.

"Good morning, pup," a soft voice said, a kiss on the head accompanying his words. Gentle fingers massaged his scalp, and he almost fell back asleep.

Izuku tried to lift his head up, tried to see who was holding him. But, to his surprise, he found that he didn't need his eyes to know who was laying beside him.

He recognized the comforting scent of sweet apples and freshly chopped wood. Izuku nuzzled into his mate's side, enjoying the comfortable warm feeling blossoming in his chest.

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