Chapter 11

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''I uh i ran into one of them and thats how jared got hurt" i said he stood up yanked me out of my chair

''your not running off anymore" he growled

''well if you wouldnt yell at me and if you would stop pushing me to drink blood and let me take this slow then maybe i wont have to run off" i said

''your the one that keeps saying this wasnt suppose to happen so if you dont like it why not let them kill you?" i didnt say anything cause i didnt know what to say ''destiny im-"

''FORGET IT IF IM SUCH A PAIN THEN LET ME GO AND STOP PROTECTING ME" i ripped my arm away from him and left again


She ran out the door i cant believe i just said that ''she wont come back" i looked at jared

''what do you mean?"

''you basically told her to go die she feels unwanted so she will either go get herself killed or vanish from your life unless you go fix it" he said

''how do you purpose i do that?" i sat next to him on the couch

''i dont know she is.........well she's destiny no one really knows exactly how to fix things all you can do is try and see if it works and if it doesnt try again and again until it works thats if you really care" he had a point she is difficult

''ugh i have no idea what to do" i said

''try saying your sorry"

''i dont think that will be enough" i said

''you never know she is a very forgiving person trust me iv screwed up so many times and she has forgivin me on all of them" he leaned back ''go find her and bring her back and if she is already dead ill never let you forget it" i smiled at the pointless threat if she was dead already i would most likely kill myself even though everything is crazy i still cant see living without her.

I got up and left i didnt know where to look maybe she went back home, i checked and she wasnt there i checked the forest she was here but not now i went to the mansion she was here i can sense her but she wasnt alone. I looked through all the rooms nothing i went upstairs to my old room she was sitting where the bed use to be

''hey" i said she looked up then quickly looked away blood was covering her mouth ''what happened?" i asked rushing towards her, she vanished

''nothing" she said from behinf me

''why is there blood covering your mouth and dripping down your shirt?" i asked not turning around she didnt say anything ''well?"

''none of your bussiness" i turned the door on the floor was broken i smelt blood i went down there and froze in the doorway '' could you do this?"

''why do you care?" she snapped i looked at her she wasnt the same destiny she was different how could she do this when just a few minutes ago she wouldnt hurt a fly

''she said if i do this i would get stronger and thats why you were getting mad at me cause you were always protecting me cause i couldnt do it myself"

''who is she?"

''she didnt give me her name but she knows you"

''so she told you to almost kill your brother?"

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