Chapter 17

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I laid there hoping i wasnt pregnant i sat up and drank the blood i walked up to the bathroom and stared at myself the bruises started to vanish not fast but yet not slow i put my hand over my stomach remember exactly what happened everything was crystal clear i remember his touch the feel of his lips and the pain when he penetrated me i punched the mirror not i didnt want to look at myself

''why did you break the mirror?" jace asked

''i dont want to look at myself" i said walking past him i went to the bedroom and looked out the window jace came in wrapped his aarms around me ''when you feel better and when your not in pain we will try it again but for now just try to relax"

''i know i should be relax but......UGH" i leaned into him he prushed my hair away from my face ''did you know the girl"

''what girl"

''the girl at the club the one you were dancing with?"

''oh her she was my target" i pulled away from him

''what kind of target" i hissed

''it wasnt like that" he said ''i was suppose to kill her and him but i couldnt kill her once you screamed i left her" i relaxed a little

''sorry" i sat on the bed

''for what?"

''for almost accusing you of cheating" he pushed me back on the bed and got on top of me and kissed me

''why would i ever cheat on you?" i shrugged he kissed me and i kissed him back he didnt try anything like he use to which was good

''ill be going out tonight and i want you to stay here"

''what are you going to do?"

''im going after jessica"

''the girl you were trying to kill?"

''yeah" he got up and got ready ''i have to do a few things first" he said

''oh" he gave me a kiss then left i tried to go to sleep but failed i looked in the closet for no reason just out of boredom i guess i walked downstairs andd looked around we were missing a table maybe a bookcase i went back into the bedroom so much funiture is missing i dont even know what to get i took a shower got dressed and went to the furniture store nothing looked good enough to buy so i just walked around town even though i shouldnt be but i was bored.

I wemt to the library and froze there she stood the girl jace was after she walked past me should i follow her? no i shouldnt.....ok maybe i should i walked out of the library and followed her she went into a building like 5 miles away from the house i looked in through the window more people maybe like 10 i walked behind the house there was more lots more and they were all looking at me

''oh i must have the wrong house im so sorry" i said giving them my most innocent smile then i left i went back home and locked the doors and windows and closed the curtains. I watched some movies i looked at the time five thirty pm jace still wasnt back i got two more bottles of blood and drank them i had absolutely nothing to do so i sat in the room and went through the closet i found a box. full of cash and papers with peoples pictures and info the very top one was jessica i went through the papers gary's paper was folded up and written on it was killed so this is what he does he goes out and kills others for money? i put the box on the bed and cleaned the rest of the closet. Maybe it is a family bussiness or its a job to take out the bad vampires or does he just do it for fun? i finished the closet and put the box back and looked around in the kitchen i thought about everything iv been through and how it will affect my future, iv decided that it wont affect my future it will stay in the past forever. I turned the tv back on and watched van helsing.

The door opened jace walked in soaked ''what happened?"

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