Chapter 4

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I just starred at him and he starred back

''i dont think that matters the only thing that matters is that im alive......well sort of" i said with a small smile

''its impossible for a vampire to come back to life" he said still emotionless

''why does it matter?" i asked

''its impossible destiny" he grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little ''cant you understand that a blow like that could kill someone even a vampire they would be DEAD not half dead just plain out dead" he was angry ''HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" he yelled i pushed him off of me left the house and didnt look back. I walked back to my house but stayed in the shadows the curtain was opened mom was on the couch a big smile on her face ryan was sitting in the chair and dad was there wonder if hes been here all this time. I walked down the street to the school it still looked the same

''destiny?" i turned

''jared" he ran up to me and pulled me into a hug

''where have you been?" he asked not letting go

''uh iv been around" i said

''iv been looking everywhere for you" he pulled away just a little to look at my face ''you paler than paper have you been taking your medication?"

''i uh i dont need them anymore" i said

''they found a cure?"

''um yeah"

''whats it called?" dam him

''um i forgot" he smiled

''thats just like you forgetting everything"

''yeah" i said with a little laugh

''do you want to get something to eat?" i. looked at him ''sure" we started walking something caught my attention a noise it was coming from jared it was like water running i didnt look cause it was probably my imagination.

We got to home town buffet i really wasnt hungry but i was out of the house and im with jared. We sat down with our plates

''so are. you gonna tell me where you been?" he asked taking a bite out of his chicken ''your parents have been blowin up my phone"

''im sorry" i said playing with my peas

''dont worry about it they are just worried and so am i" he took another bite and thats when i saw his vein the one on his neck the water running sound got louder it was coming from everywhere i looked around it was everyones blood rushing through their veins my fangs popped out of my gums i shut my mouth

''you ok?" he asked looking me over i nodded ''you sure? you look like your in pain" i nodded again

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