Chapter 29

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I leaned up against the wall not trusting my own legs ''this wasnt suppose to happen" he said pacing the floor once again

''what is going to happen to her?" i asked

''dont know but if worse comes to worse they may kill her" I walked out the door i couldnt track her at all i couldnt feel where she was ''you wont be able to track her"

''why not?"

''those are powerful vampires they can do all kinds of things"

''even witch craft?"

''yeah" he went inside i followed ''i dont know how we will get her back we might not be able to"

''im gonna go see sasha she might be able to help"

''no she wont be able to"

''you dont know that"

''yes i do the only way she could help is if she knew witch craft"

''she does"

''what?" he looked at me i looked away quickly

''what if we try to find someone who knows witch craft?" he started to come closer to me i backed upp until i was up against the wall

''well apparently you know someone who does" his face was inches from mine and not in a good way ''how is it that you know she does witch craft?"

''uh i um i didnt say that"

''yes you did"

''no i didnt" i tried to move away but he wouldnt let me

''wait a minute" he stared at me


''thats how your alive she used witch craft on you"

''no she didnt" i pushed past him and went to sashas

''we have a problem"

''whats up?" she asked

''well two"

''ok what?"

''jace knows and alex was taken"

''jace knows?"



''about you and the witch craft and you using it on me"

''thank you for selling me down the river" she got up and went to her room i followed

''i need your help"

''i cant i have to get out of here now" she started to pack

''no you cant"

''why? name one reason why i cant" she glared at me

''i need your help finding alex"

''you lost her?" apparently she didnt here me before

''no she was taken from the bedroom"

''a man and woman" she looked at me

''who are they?"

''i dont know he just told me someone i didnt want to piss off"

''but he already did" she put her bag down ''you guys are screwed"


''those are powerful vampires they will know im trying to snoop around and hunt me down and im not gonna let that happen im sorry i do love alex but they have most likely killed her by now"

''but why?"

''they control the demon world and if one breaks the rules then they pay and jace has broken many"

''whats that got to do with alex?"

''shes one of the broken laws" she went to her bookshelf and grabbed a book ''alright ill see what i can do" she opened the book up


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