Chapter 7

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We got to the house, he set me on the couch and he went into the kitchen he came back with a tall glass of red liquid must be blood

''here" he said and walked away i stared at it i know i had to but cits just gross i never thought i would be drinking blood i dont know where it came from human or animal.

I walked upstairs leaving the blood on the table i crawled into bed

''go drink it" he said


''you need to or you will die" he sat up looking at me

''uuuggggghhhhhhh' i pulled the covers over my head

''come on its not that bad once you get use to it" he said

''yeah your use to it im not i never thought this would happen to me" i felt him get out of bed then the bedroom door close i guess he walked out it was quiet i sat up yep i was alone in the room i laid back down why do i need to keep saying stupid things. I tried to sleep but of course i couldnt i got up went down stairs jace was sitting on the couch the tv had a hole in it guilt washed over me i walked back upstairs and packed my things i went through the back door so he couldnt see me.

I didnt know where i was going and i didnt care i just let me feet ddo the walking. I looked up and i was standing infront of my house the car was gone they must be out to lunch or something. I walked everything looked the same i walked up to my room everything was gone i looked in the closet empty the bathroom empty they took my stuff out?? i looked in desireas room cause sometimes we would hide things in each others rooms so mom doesnt find it nothing of mine was in here. I heard the front door open i walked down stairs

''mom" she looked at me and dropped the bags she was carring

''destiny? what happened to you?"

''uh im just tired" i said ''wheres my stuff?"

''we assumed you werent coming back so we-"

''you got rid of my stuff??" i interrupted her

''no they are in storage just incase you came back we couldnt stand looking at it cause we would remember the day you left we have been looking for you everyday" she came over and hugged me ''we tried to live our life while looking for you but we couldnt not with passing by your room so we took it out and it was kind of easier we were also getting ready to hear the news when the cops found your body or something" she said

''im sorry" i said and hugged her back

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