Chapter 22

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My eyes opened i was looking at the ceiling something was against my lips liquid was filling my mouth forcing me to swallow. I started to cough there was just to much i tried to remove the thing away from my mouth but i couldnt

''dont move it" jace was panting i turned my head his head hung from his shoulders his wrist was against my lips his blood flowed into me i forced his arm away

''you gave me to much"

''ill handle him" i looked up to see magnus standing behind me ''he will be alright i have stocked up on blood" he went into the kitchen and handed jace a bottle i went in and grabbed like five more and gave them to him.

He drank all of them then leaned against the table and closed his eyes

''now he just needs to rest a little" magnus said walking back into the kitchen

''how do you feel?" jace asked

''better thank you" he grabbed my hand and kissed it

''how do you feel?" I asked

''better" he said with a smile i curled up next to him he burried his face in my hair ''i love you"

''i love you to" i pulled him closer and fell asleep.


Jace left with zsadist and jacob to practice with the weapons i didnt go cause i wasnt feeling good i've been puking alot we cant figure out whats wrong cause vampires i guess cant get sick and they cant get aids stds and all that which is awsome i dont have to worry about that

''miss destiny"

''come in" magnus came in with a bottle just the smell of it had me running to the bathroom and heaving magnus held my hair

''is there anything i can get you?" he asked

''a new system" i said jokingly

''im sorry but that is impossible wichcraft does not exist" he said i leaned up against the bathroom wall i felt fine but when i threw up i felt ugh. I stood up and went to the bed magnus stood by me the whole way making sure i didnt fall or almost puke or something i crawled back into bed

''ill be going to the store please call if you need anything at all" he said i nodded feeling to tired to work my jaw. Magnus left so now it was just me home alone i sat up in bed unable to sleep i looked around the room was some what cleaned the bed is just a mattress on the floor which we liked it like this so we werent gonna go get a frame for it.

I walked into the bathroom looked in the morror yes magnus got a new one and i promised him i wouldnt break it my eyes were a soft midnight color my hair was messy and it smelt of vomit so i took a shower and washed it five times i washed my stomach but once i put my hand there i felt a small bump i looked down and sure enough it was a bump i finished quickly and went to the drug store i got what i needed the cashier glared at me i glared back and paid for my item and left i got back home no one else was there i ran to the bathroom to check i waited for it to tell me i closed my eyes for a minute then looked i grabbed my phone and called jace


''hey" my voice was kind of hoarse i didnt know how to tell him

''everything ok?" i heard jacob and zsadist throwing insults at each other which for some reason made me smile ever since i met them we have been inseperatable not the romatic kind just the friendship type

''um yeah i need to tell you something when willl you be back?"

''i can come back now"

''no just stay there and come back later"

''are you sure?"

''yeah magnus is here to take care of me"

''are you sure everything is ok? cause it doesnt sound like it"

''yeah its fine"

''something tells me ill regret leaving you there" he said ''alright ill be back soon"


''i love you"

''love you to" we hung up god destiny your such a chicken shit i sat on the bed put the phone on the floor and laid back how was i going to tell him

''your dress madam" i sat up magnus had my red dress he put it in the clooset

''thanks magnus" he nodded once and left. I looked at the time ten am and i was exhausted i curled up where i was laying and fell asleep.

I woke up looked at the time it was five thirty pm i got up and went downstairs zsadist was standing up against the wall new scars all over his body

''they went against you again?" he nodded zsadist would have jacob and jace attack him at the same time why? i have no flippin clue i walked in the living room jace and jacob were wrestling knocking the couch and chair over and whatever was in there way.

''hey" they almost knocked me down

''sorry love" jace said jacob punched him and stood gave me a hug

''sorry" jace dragged him down which dragged me as well i landed ontop of jacob his eyes went wide then he looked at me



''tired yeah i am" i smiled not letting him finish his sentencee i quickly got up and backed up jacob got up and stared at me as did jace and zsadist

''your what?" jace asked coming up to me

''can i talk to private" he nodded jacob and xsadist vanished leaving us alone

''whats wrong?" he asked i looked at my feet

''i-i um....." he put a finger under my chin and lifted so i was looking into his eyes

''tell me" he whispered

''im pregnant" i said closing my eyes waiting for the denials or a beating i dont know why i was waiting for a beating i know he wouldnt hurt me i opened my eyes when nothing came he was starring at me


''yeah" he didnt look away he came a little bit closer and hugged me

''your not mad?"

''no why would i be mad?" he asked he burried his face in my hair ''i love you so much destiny" i put my arms around him i burried my face iin the crook of his neck he put his hand on my stomach and felt the bump

''pregnancy is not like human pregnancy" he said

''hows it different?"

''the baby will grow fast and you will need alot of blood you will NOT get into any fights or anything you will stay at home unless i go with you" i nodded he kissed me my fangs popped out and poked his bottom lip blood seeped out and i took it he didnt pull away or anything he held me close i pulled away when i felt like i had enough

''you do realize that wasnt enough" he said i licked the spot i started to walk away but he pulled me back for one more kiss.

''i need to feed" i said against his lips he let me go and i went to the kitchen.

''how did jacob find out?" i asked knowing that he did with the look on his face

''he can sense things it comes in handy at times but most of the time its annoying" he said. he handed me another thing of blood and i chugged it we went upstairs jace fell asleep faster i couldnt cause i slept the whole day but an hour later i fell asleep.

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