Chapter 20

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I started to walk to the exit but i stopped why was i running im not going to let him have power over me. I spun around grabbed jace and went to the dance floor i know he seen me already but i wasnt going to let ANYTHING ruin my night jace watched me carefully

''do you want to leave?" he asked i stopped dancing

''no" i walked over to the booth and sat down i watched the bar he wasnt there i searchedfor him i didnt want him to come near me


''huh' i looked at him

''you ok?"

''yeah" i looked around still didnt see him ''lets go" i said we got up and walked out the door and into the parking lot i didnt see him out here good i looked at the car and there he was leaning up against it

''hey taylor or should i call you destiny?"

''gary" i growled ''YOUR DEAD" i tackled him to the ground and started beating on him he fought back jace grabbed me from behind and lifted me off of him

''destiny relax" he said

''NO I WILL NOT RELAX" i clawed at him trying to get free but he wouldnt let go

''what do you want" jace hissed looking at gary

''oh nothing just my payment for my car that she ruined"

''well i have no monney so go away or better go die"

''dess hes a vampire" jace whispered to me gary just smiled then vanish jace went flying to. the left and i was lifted up by my throat

''you will pay" he hissed

''let her go" jace tackled him then came to me ''lets go"

''we can take him" i said

''no we cant"

''why not?"

''he had alot of blood so right now he is stronger than us and plus he is a newborn"

''so am i"

''well yeah but you havent been drinking blood like you should have so you are weak and so am i" we ran as far as we could but everywhere we went he was there ''hes giving me no choice though" jace pushed me to the side and charged after him gary thrusted his fist foward into his midsection, jace then collapsed blood soaked garys hand

''jace?" no answer i took a step clloser

''STAY BACK" he groaned it took him three tries to get to his feet ''stay out of this dess" i left them i had to get help jace cant take him on by himself. I went to sashas house

''oh hey destiny lets go shopping"

''not now sasha where is jacob and zsadist?"

''the kitchen" i ran into the kitchen they all looked at me

''jace is gonna die" i said they all got up i ran out the door and they followed it seemed closer than getting to sashas place. We finally got there jace was lying there unmoving

''who is this guy?" jacob asked zsadist went to jace

''hes alive......barely" zxadist stood up and turned to gary

''his name is gary jace killed him and now hes a vampire"

''what made jace kill him?" jacob asked

''um" i wrapped my arms around me jacob looked at me

''what happened?"

''hey can we talk about this later?" zsadist yelled going after gary jacob followed him i went to jace

''hey" i put my hand on his face his eyes slowly opened

''you....ok?" he asked between gasps i nodded ii looked him over he had a hole in his midsection and bite marks all over him

''what happened?" i leaned into him our foreheads were touching visions came him and gary fighting me leaving gary was ruthless biting him and taking his blood every chance he got ''i need to get you out of here" i said he didnt argue of course

''i need help" i yelled trying to move jace but he was dead weight

''jacob go help her" zsadist said

''no you wont be able to do this on your own"

''if he dies im killing you" he said

''works for me lets finish this quickly then" xsadist nodded and they got back to fighting gary zsadist got him from the front and jacob got him from the back.

Jace stood upbut he wobbled

''lets get out of here" he said then collapsed i went to my knees

''take some of my blood" i said he slowly shook his head

''no'' i sat him up and exposed my neck

''take some blood so we can get out of here" he got up and started to walk away

''ill be fine for now"

''are you sure?"

''yeah i just need to get back to the house" he said

''zsadist already knows that im going home so he doesnt have to worry about me"

''oh" i ran up to him and put his arm around me so he can lean on me.

It took us about an hour to get home i put him on the couch and went to the fridge no more blood

''jace we dont have any blood left" he groaned in pain while he helld his midsection


''you need to take some of mine"


i sat on him we were face to face chest to chest i wasnt going to take no for an answer ''yes you will" i growled i moved my hair to the other side exposing my neck againi leaned in a little his fangs popped out his eyes were red with hunger he grazed my neck with the tips of his fangs i shuddered.

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