Chapter 31

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I followed after them ''destiny" she didnt look at me or say anything i grabbed her arm and made her look at me ''she does matter and so do you, you two are everything to me but these are vampires who are powerful i cant stop them no one can" she pulled away from me

''watch me stop them if she mattered to you then you wouldnt be standing here you would be trying to stop them to" she turned to walk away but turned back ''or are you with them? Are you one of them? is this your job turning people then having them killed" i couldnt believe what i was hearing she thinks im with them? those idiots those monsters. i grabbed her by the arms

''you actually think im with THEM" she stared at me


''im not"

''then why are you standing here?" she pulled away again ''you say we matter we are your everything then why are you trying to make me give up?"

I looked at the ground then at her then back at the ground

''see we dont matter like you said your pathetic you shouldnt be a father"

''SHES DEAD" i screamed her eyes went wide she backed away from me

''no shes not" she whispered

''JACE!" sasha yelled ''YOUR AN ASS" she punched me in the face ''what kind of man are you?"

''the one thats living in reality" i looked back at destiny she didnt look at me she went to sasha and grabbed her arm

''lets go" she said sasha nodded ''terrance you still coming?"

''yeah" he said they took off once again.


''i cant believe him" sasha said ''hes got nerve" i didnt say anything cause i just didnt have nything to say. How can he say shes dead? He doesnt know anything stupid boy even if she was i would want to bring her home and give her a funeral but she might be alive still

''destiny!" i looked behind me sasha was about twenty feet away from me ''its this way" she pointed to her right i went that way ''hey dont listen to jace they might be trying to figure out who she will become"

''thats impossible though" i said not looking at her ''i mean no one knows who they will be its how life is. Its what you do that makes you who you will be later"

''yeah that is true but some vampires can see the future" she grabbed my arm making me stop i looked up and i almost ran into a building ''we are here" she walked into a door i hesitated

''dont go in there" i looked behind me there stood jace

''why not? alex is there" i went to go walk in but stopped i dont know what for i just couldnt go any further

''if you go in there you might not come out alive" he said

''she is my daughter i would gladly die for her" i looked at him ''good bye jace" i walked in and shut the door behind me i know he wasnt going to follow not this time.

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