Chapter 14

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We get to the shop it didnt have a name which was weird atleast i didnt see a sign or anything jace got out fixed his jacket then i stepped out he stared at me eyes wide mouth hanging open

''stop starring at me like that" i said pulling the dress down it went to mid thigh and it was strapless i put one arm across my chest to cover myself and the other was pulling the dress down cars honked while passing by people stuck their heads out the window and yell stuff at me jace came up grabbed my face and kissed me hard

''lets go" he said we walked in the place was full of people and they were all starring at me i grabbed jace's arm ''whats wrong?"

''they are starring at me" i said

''well yeah"

''i dont like it" he smiled

''well i would tell you to stay in the car but i need your help with this" he started to walk i glued myself to his side some of the guys whistled and did there little cat calls or whatever you wanted to call it jace glared at all of them even though most of them were bigger than him and not just in height they were RIPPED i looked behind me they were starring at me still UGH

''what do we need from here?" i asked he grabbed my hand and we went through a door

''i need some supplies" he yelled a guy looked up from his bench from across the room he smiled

''well havent seen you in centuries hows the family?"

''dead' jace walked over to the wall all kinds of weapons hung from there even stakes

''i want you to fit as many weapons on" he walked behind me put his hands on my hips ''this women" the guy walked over to me examined my body ''hidden??"

''yes" i looked down at myself yeah you can soooo hide weapons in a skin tight mid thigh dress the only place i can think of where it might work is the boots and maybe my chest booobi-trap haha made a joke i smiled

''whats so funny?" jace asked

''oh nothing" he ran his hands up and down my sides he burried his face in my neck

''tell me"

''its nothing" i said wiggling from his touch it tickled but yet it felt good

''ok about how many do you want?" jace looked up at him

''as many that can fit" the guy nodded and pulled me next to the wall and started his work. He was finally done about an hour later the wall that had the weapons hanging on it was now empty cause they were all on me jace was across the room finishing with his own he walked over ''i cant even tell you have them on" i looked down at myself well i can tell the metal is cold against my skin jace paid the guy and we left this time i got to sit in the passenger seat i couldnt help but wiggle cause it was unconfortable

''stop fidgeting" jace said

''im not used to this you are" i said

''its been centuries for me so it is sort of unconfortable" he pulled into the parking lot and we got out. We went straight for the front door and the guy let us in the people in the line started to whine and complain.

The music was loud it made my bones rattle in my skin. i looked to my left to tell jace something but he was there i checked my right he wasnt there maybe hes on the dance floor i went into the crowd from what iv seen he wasnt. A hand went to my waist 'dance' a voice said in my head it sounded like jace's i didnt move 'dance dess now' it was him 'you said you want fun and dangerous right so dance' i did what he said i started dancing with whoever i scanned the floor again there was jace dancing with some girl his eyes red

''want a drink?" i snapped out of my thoughts and noticed i wasnt dancing anymore i nodded i walked to the bar with the guy i was dancing with

''im gary" he said holding out his hand 'fake name' jace said

i smiled ''taylor" we shook hands he bought me a drink i looked behind me jace was leading the girl outside

''so who are you with?"

'your by yourself' he said

''no one" i told him i took a sip out of my drink it tasted funny but then again i dont drink

''oh me too' he smiled we sat there talking for awhile my drink was now empty and i was feeling really weird gary looked at me with concern it was fake ''are you ok?" i smiled and nodded

''i-i-i have to go" my words were slurred everything spun when i stood up but i had to find jace something was wrong.

Gary wrapped his arm around me ''ill take you to my place so you can rest" i wanted to say no but i just didnt he led me out and we went to his car i tried to get away but he threw me in the car and we took off.

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