Chapter 23

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I woke up the next morning took off my clothes for a shower i looked in the mirror my stomach was bigger not real big but it was noticeable i wrapped a towel around me and woke up jace


''jace wake up"

''mmmmmm" he rolled over

''jace wake up" i hissed anger went through me must be the hormones or whatever ''jace its bigger" he rolled back over

''what is?"

''my stomach" i removed my towel and he examined my stomach. he put his hand on the baby bulge he didnt say anything he just stared at the babys bulge ''jace?"

''hm" he looked up at me but stopped at my breasts

''im up here" he focused on my eyes as i wrapped the towel around me ''you ok?"

''yeah" he said he got up pulled me into a hug ''i just never thought id have a child" he pecked my lips and walked in the bathroom he turned on the shower

''hey i was gonna take a shower" i banged on the door he poked his head out

''you can join me" he said with a huge smile on his face he grabbed my hand and pulled me in he lifted me up i wrapped my legs around him after dropping the towel he stepped in the shower.

I got dressed well tried jace kept me from moving my arms ''i need to get dressed i laughed he kissed my neck trailed up to my jaw then down to my collar bone then back up but he didnt stop at my jaw he stopped when he reached my lips

''mkay" he said he nipped at my bottom lip then let me go i put my bra on but he just undid it i laughed ''jace"


''can i get dressed?"

''mmmmmmmm maybe" i threw his shirt at him and quickly got dressed. he smiled


''nothing" he still had that smile on

''liar what are you thinking?" he was in my face in seconds our lips inches apart

''you really want to know?" his arm snaked around my waist he yanked me closer my body smacked into his but he was careful not to do it to hard cause of the baby

''yes" i said biting his lower lip i didnt break the skin

''how easy it is to take your clothes off" i bit down a little bit to hard and broke his skin i sucked on his lip to get the blood i had to feed more than usual cause i have to feed the baby now.

Jace moaned he put his free hand to my face holding it in place but i didnt stay long i pulled away from him well tried his arm that was wrapped around me was like a steel bar

''where are you going?" he asked kissing me

''we cant do this now" i said he pulled away but not to far


''i need to feed" i said i wanted to give him what he wanted but i had to get blood in me

''you can have mine" he said kissing me again i pulled away

''no i cant take your blood it wont be enough" i said trying to get out of his hold

''ill die a happy man" he said nibbling at my neck i squealed cause it tickled

''no i cant do that ill never be able to do that" i said facing him and pecked his lips ''now please let me go" he let me go and i ran downstairs jace was behind me

''no running in the kitchen please" magnus said de ja vu all over again i got some blood and sat on the couch remembering the first few times i saw jace and then i was a vampire

''do you think we will be able to go back to the mansion?" i asked jace

''maybe" he said leaning into me he put his hand on my belly the baby kicked at his touch it grew bigger since this morning.

''i love you" he whisppered

''love you to"

''iv got to go ill be back call if anything happens alright"

''ok" he gave me a quick kiss and he rubbed my belly then left i stood up pain shot through my stomach i groaned in pain magnus was by my side holding me just incase i fell

''are you alright?"

''yeah the baby just did a flip" i rubbed my stomach to try and calm the baby

''do you need anything?"

''no im ok thank you" he walked back into the kitchen and i sat back down tthe energy i had left i made a little bed on the couch and went to sleep. I kept waking up almost every hour cause the baby would kick or i had to feed or i just woke up for no reason.

''dess" someone said ''destiny" someone was shaking me i opened my eyes jace was starring at me ''are you alright?"

''yeah why?"

''you were screaming in your sleep" he said

''oh" i sat up my head was spinning i grabbed jaces arm he sat behind me at an angle so if i leaned back my back would be up against his chest.

''do you need more blood?"

''i think so" he put his wrist up to my lips i shook my head

''dess take it" he said i looked at his wrist and bit down he scooted closer so our bodies were touching he put his free hand on my belly and rubbed it the baby started to kick. I let jace's wrist go and leaned into him

''how was your day?" he asked putting his chin on my shoulder


''whats eh?"

''it was ok"i said putting my hand ontop of his ''and boring"


''how was your?"


''am i suppose to feel tired all the time?"

''i dont know i really dont know much about pregnancy cause iv never been pregnant" he said i started laughing

''yeah and you'll never get pregnant"

''yeah" we sat there for about an hour then he grabbed the remote

''oh we have cable"

''finally something to watch" i faced the tv and jace flipped through the tv we stuck with the movie tom and jerry the one where tom and jerry get left behind and run into a girl who hates her life and runs away to the circus.

''ill get us some drinks" jace said getting up and disapearing into the kitchen he came back with six bottles of blood he set them all on the table, he handed me one i chugged it. i grabbed another and chugged that one to.

I laid my head on his lap and watched the movie till i fell asleep,

I awoke to something crashing through the front window the sun came through good thing i had the neckless on i looked down at myself smoke started to rise from my body i screamed out in pain clutching my stomach

''get out of the sun" jace yelled running up to me and helping me up i moved into the kitchen

''why did it burn me?"

''i dont know" he said handing me a bottle of blood then went back into the living room he was yelling at someone he came in ''your going to have to stay up in the room for a few days"


''jacob got into a fight and flew through the front window i have to get it fixed but it will take time" i nodded he helped me up and up the stairs.

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