Chapter 27

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I woke up to alexandera crying her little head off i got up and checked her changed her and fed her she fell asleep in my arms all curled up to my chest i put her back in her basket we didnt have a crib yet so we stuck with a basket until tomorrow when we get one. I crawled into bed ''do you want me to get it next time?" jace asked wrapping me in his arms

''if you want to i dont mind getting it" i said curling up to him

''ill get it" he said burring his face in my hair and falling asleep i couldnt fall asleep i was wide awake my brain wouldnt stop working. I went down to the kitchen magnus was already gone i dont know where he goes.

I dont feel like eating or anything so i walk into the livingroom and waatch tv one of the batman movies is on. i curl up on the couch but i couldnt get confortable there was somethinng wrong but i couldnt put my finger on it everything seems perfect. I go outside look around nothing was there i walked back inside and went back to sleep until alexandera started to cry.

I go to sit up but jace stops me ''i got it" he got up and took her downstairs. It became quiet i go back to sleep.


''mom" a voice said i open my eyes and there stood a little girl with a smile on her face ''im hungry" she said


''whats for breakfast?" i get out of bed and took her down stairs i opened up the fridge and noticed she was standing close her eyes glued to the blood

''take one" i said she did and basically inhaled it ''have as many as you want" she did she wiped out the whole fridge. she went into the living room to watch tv i went upstairs

''shes grown"

''i told you that vampire children are not like humans they will grow to a certain age and stop"

''whats the age?"

''dont know it will just happen whenever it could stop now so she will be stuck looking like a four year old for all eternity" i sat on the bed and stared at the basket we used for a crib we bought her one but she liked like basket instead of the actual crib

''time flies so fast" i said

''yep literally" he said with a small laugh

''thats not funny i didnt even watch her grow it just happpened" i brought my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on my knees

''i have something for you" he said


''its a suprise" he got up and got dressed ''get dressed" i did and we went downstairs

''daddy look" alez pointed to a building that was made out legos

''thats great" he said ''wanna go somewhere?"


''its a suprise" she nodded and ran to the door we walked out the door and went to the park

''this is the suprise?" i asked after alex left us to go play

''no thats later its getting set up now" we sat t the park for atleast five hours ''alez" he yelled she came running with a huge grin on her face

''are we going home?"

''yes" he said we got into the car and didnt go the same way we came

''this isnt the way home" i said

''yes it is" he said the area looked really familiar we pulled up to a rusty gate when i saw the house my jaw dropped

''you bought the mansion?"

''nope its always been mine but the hunters gave up so this area is safe" he said

''where are we?" alex asked looking out her window jace turned in his seat and unbuckled her

''home" we got out and went inside everything was exactly the way it was before. alez ran around the house looking at everything jace grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to the room where everything started it was the same as last time to

''wow" i said spinning to get a better look

''you said you wanted to come back so here we are" he said kissing me.

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