Chapter 15

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I didnt know what to do. I looked around he wasnt paying attention to me i didnt have my seat belt on i gathered up all my energy and jumped for the steering wheel we flew off the road ''stupid bitch what are you doing" he yelled we hit a ditch and i went threw the windshield i couldnt move everything hurt i smelt blood his and mine i didnt know what to do i couldnt get ahold of jace i didnt have my phone and i dont know how to do what he did earlier telepath or whatever its called and i know i was getting weaker with as much blood i was loosing now. Gary got out of the car looked around then looked at his car

''YOU SKANK YOU RUINED MY CAR" great he was going to have a tantrum he walked over to me grabbed me by my hair and lifted me he spat in my face i just smiled he didnt like it he then punched me and threw me to the ground he went through his pants pocket pulled out a knife he knelt down and started cutting my dress was he going to rape me?? i tried to move but he would just hit me over and over again when i ment by wanting to do something dangerous this is not what i had in mind. He reached my chest andcut it opened exposing my bra he liked his lips if i had the enerfy my skin would be crawling by now he grabbed one of my breast then he ran the tip of the knife in between them not breaking the skin but he did cut the bra he started to kiss me then my chest

''get off" i tried to push him off but i couldnt hiis right hand went to my right thigh and slowly made its way up my leg i shivered with disgust he smiled he brought his hand back and tore the dressed off and threw it to the side ''nice. body" he whispered he traced his hand over my stomach then he reached for my underwear i screamed all though it was useless as far as we are i doubt anyone could hear me he tore my underwear off then pulled his pants down then punched me again darkness surrounded me but i fought it i tried to move but it was to late he held me down i tried wiggling my way out but i was stuck between his body and the dirt something went off gary screamed out in pain he collapsed ontop of me then he was off in a flash i couldnt move it hurt to much my legs were shaky i realized i was crying i then heard a snap and a thud

''destiny" jace scooped me up and put me in his lap wrapping me up in his jacket i burried my face in his chest and cried not caring anymore

''im sorry i didnt think anything like this would happen" he said rubbing my back i pulled him closer ''how did he get you in his car?" he asked

''he bought me a drink" i said between sobs ''and i only looked away for a second to look for you then i started to feel weird after i started. drinking it" he let out a growl a loud one i didnt flinch from it like i would have before ''he raped me" i whispered he tightened his grip on me

''i know he wasnt alone though other guys were here i will hunt them down and kill them" he said i stopped crying and stared at the side at the now dead gary

''no" i said


''i want to kill them they were going to do it to" he didnt argue he knew i was hurting and i wanted revenge even though the guy who actually did it is now dead i was still going to kill his buddies jace stood up not letting me go and carried me to a car that pulled up he sat in the backseat with me in his lap i didnt look at who was driving i just starred out the window.

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