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𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣/𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

huening kai cursed in frustration when he realised that taehyun's phone was dead, as it was showing no signal. he didn't have a next step, a plan b. he only had to guess in the whole of korea, with a population of about 50 million people, would taehyun be.

he got on the bus they would normally take home and wondered how he would find the runaway elder. where would he be this time? drowning in the ocean? in the middle of a never-ending corn maze? he would never expect where his fellow friend would reside at next.

the worse scenarios made its way into the younger's head, knocking on the door if his inner thoughts. unfortunately, huening kai let them in to make themselves comfortable in his brain. he was nervous for him, this was his ex, and just because he had lost 'romantic' feelings for him, doesn't mean that he would ignore him completely.

he was so stressed that he didn't take note of the time, or paid attention to where he was going, because he was by the time the vehicle had arrived at the last station, he was half asleep with the furious bus driver shouting in his face to get off the bus.

he cowered before scurrying away and of the bus. he was in the middle of nowhere, at least he didn't know or visit this part of korea before. it looked like he was in a difference province, strangely similar to that of gwangju province, which he had visited before.

he looked on his phone, it was at 12%, showing the time being 16:40, an hour after school ends. had the latter been asleep for that long? thank god he had a portable charger that he had stole from soobin once. the item brought nostalgic feelings of their once beautiful friendship and so it was one of the things he always had in his backpack on the go.

with his phone charging and not a set destination in mind, he went off from the bus stop, into the deep unknown.



it's almost been an hour and a half since huening kai set off for his fellow '02 friend and almost seven and a half hours since taehyun willingly went missing.

huening was getting stressed, he didn't like this feeling of being helpless, not being able to do anything. he absolutely loathed it. the younger was literally to the point of pulling his hair out of his head because of how stressed he was.

the latter didn't care if he looked shameless. he started shouting taehyun's name, looking everywhere he could in distress. his feet followed where his eyes where heading. in the middle of nowhere, one would think that it was an exile looking for a friend.

and that was exactly what he was doing.

the younger ran and ran, not having a slightest clue of where he was anymore. adrenaline was charging his mind, and the thought of finding taehyun was the only thing on his mind.


he found himself at the edge of the forest, which looked untamed and unkept for a long amount of time. he the younger didn't know what bewitched him to enter but he did anyway.

the tree tops interacted with one another under the dimly lit sky. it was autumn and so the the ball of fire wasn't at its peak like always. pounds of moss clothes the nearby plants, ready to shed themselves when the wintry snow arrives.

huening kai soon drew near to the centre of the circle of the forest, the middle where the sun was at its highest. vines of dead and alive plants, both green and grey, welcomed him into their home.

he was so enticed by what wonderful nature was surrounding him that he didn't notice the sleeping figure of taehyun sleeping below the tree trunk of the largest tree, with a pack of discarded cigarettes next to him.

fear soon rushed back into huening kai's head when he finally realised that he hadn't found his best friend yet. he turned so fast the author didn't even know how he didn't gat whiplash, and found an asleep taehyun, eyelids shut and dark circles below his eyes. hair messy and sticking out in all directions came with the look as well as disheveled clothing.

the younger shook his head is disbelief before walking up to the blonde who was starting to stir from from his sleep, sensing another presence there. the latter mumbled incoherent words as he was slowly waking up, before hugging the tree just like you would a bed.

"hyun, get up you scared me to death," huening said, pretending to be fake annoyed.

the blonde opened one eye to see his friend standing there, waiting for him to awake.


taehyun stood up before stretching, and picking up his sachet bag, strolled over to the taller male.

"how did you find this place in the first place?" the younger said.

"i don't know, i was just lead here when i was in one of my panic attacks," he said, looking interested in the floor, suddenly feeling guilty.

there was a momentarily before the older spoke up.

"i'm sorry, kai."

"for what?"

"for causing you so much trouble and for leaving you in the mess i created," the blonde uttered.

"hey, tae, we are both partly to blame for what we did, but it is mostly my fault and you know that. looks like fate did really give us a second chance to start anew," huening replied.

a amplified growl was soon heard from the elder's stomach.

"it looks like your stomach hates you now, come on let's eat!" the younger exclaimed.

taehyun smiled which was something that didn't happen often before running after his best friend out of the forest. another beautiful memory to reflect on for another day.

nature and fate did really go hand in hand and gave them a second chance.


this feels like the end but it really isn't, we aren't even near

the plot is more secure, wait for me guys!

feel free to vote, comment and even follow my profile for more updates! i will try to update as soon as possible!

love yall! ❣

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