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𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣/𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

the five sat in huening kai's mercedes, munching on the takeaway they ordered, of course with soobin's money. they really didn't have any destination in mind, or who's house they were heading, they didn't know everyone present that well in the vehicle.

"how about we talk about ourselves, seeing that we have made some new friends here," yeonjun suggested, while looking at the '02 liners. after cutting all contact with them two years ago, he had kind of forgotten their likes and dislikes. he didn't plan to know them again, he was blinded by anger, but then again, he knew quite well that a second chance was better than none.

huening shrugged, he didn't really mind. taehyun froze on the other hand. it was quite obvious from a distance if you didn't know him that he was a introverted and well-reserved person. he really didn't like talking about his past, especially if it was one that had literally scarred him for life. he especially hated when people would pity him for how low a life he lived. his father was abusive, his mother was helpless and he was a child of a rapist. not the first thing he would like to share about himself to any other individual.

yeonjun caught up on this by the blonde's body language and said carefully, "sorry taehyun-ah, did i-"

"don't." yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "don't pity me." he said, his eyes grey and empty once again, but with a hint of red, of anger flashing through. it was gone as soon as it appeared. he sighed out heavily, as if a huge weight had been added on to his load. huening looked at him in concern before whispering in his ear, "are you okay, are you sure tae?"
the blonde nodded, "i feel as if i tell him, he will remember who i am."

he sighed once again, huening kai giving him a look of reassurance, before narrating the story of his life. he told the chois about how he was the child of an unmarried couple and how his grandparents forced a  matrimonial relationship between them. how his father abused him for as long as he could remember, and how his mother was an even more frequent victim to his tyranny. how in the cold war, his father sacrificed himself for the fame and respect he would have after his death. he really didn't care if he died or not, he had already had enough of his life with his child and 'acquaintance', but he was paying for his own fault. he knew death was the only way out and so he basically committed suicide. how his mother was devastated when she heard the news of her betrothed dead due to the atomic bomb in the war. how she immediately had a myocardial infarction (heart attack) due to the unprecedented shock. how he had witnessed his mother wetted in her own bodily fluids and doctors dashing around her in the back of the hospital. how it lead to his fear of hospitals. how it led to present self.

all the pain and suffering came flowing back in colossal waves to the young boy, as hot tears came flowing down his red cheeks. his breathing got heavier, his breaths becoming wheezing and unsteady. his head pounded with mental agony, as he held himself from making a single noise. beomgyu and huening kai had immediately figured out what was happening here. he was having a panic attack.

beomgyu instantly took the younger into his arms, wrapping his arms around his neck as taehyun froze up for a short time. he visibly relaxed as beomgyu threaded his fingers through his bleached hair, whispering sweet nothings into the abyss of his ears. the blonde hugged the black-haired tightly, muttering some "i'm so scared" and "please don't leave me". the older sighed, smiling a little before saying,

"i can't ever leave you, taehyun-ah."

the mentioned blushed, before hiding his face into the crook of the other's neck. yeonjun squealed, wiping his eyes at the heartfelt scene. soobin hit his head playfully, earning a roll of the eyes and a peck on his lips in return.

the five shared their doses of laughter and tears as the group bonded even closer than ever before.


such a fluffy chap ahhhhh

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love yall! ❣

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