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𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣/𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

timeskip - a few months later

the school year was going well, soobin and yeonjun were going to graduate soon, and the school didn't leave them behind a year as mrs. song saw their potential, soobin's in cooking and food nutrition and yeonjun's in dance.

beomgyu was over the moon for his hyungs; but couldn't help but feel like a burden to the older two. he had been homeschooled by the couple for two years, just because of him they even had to their education second and his learning development their top priority. he knew his freedom was quite limited, but he appreciated them for being there for them in the worst times of life, especially at the death of his father.


his father died of a secondary brain tumor almost two years ago which came from his leukemia (cancer of the white blood cells) which the infected blood affected his ability to walk, talk and soon to live or function.

the boy's mother only allowed the latter to meet his father in the hospital when he was scheduled to be taken of life support. she knew how delicate and fragile the black-haired's heart was and how much it would pain him to see his father deteriorate and crumble right in front of his eyes.

beomgyu can remember the time as clear as day. the night was still young when his mother and himself entered the building with an amalgamation of feelings pushing them forward.

they sat nervously next each other, neither of them handling the stress well. they had waited a few minutes when beomgyu's father's name was called to the attention of the pair. hyesoo caressed beomgyu's hand ever so tenderly before intertwining their hands together, not having any intention to let go.

they were led to room 553 where the patient would spent his last few minutes breathing in front of his loved ones for the last time.

beomgyu was shaking like a leaf as they arrived at the door's entrance. his mother patted his head and kissed his forehead softly before saying, "let's go in."


the school had arranged a school trip in celebration for the seniors' graduation in a a month's time and therefore had invited the juniors with them on this week-long journey.

yeonjun was so hyperactive the whole time they were preparing to go and was jumping on the bed, squealing in excitement when he was supposed to be packing for the voyage. soobin entered the room and laughed lightly and dragged the elder's suitcase, he thanked yeonjun in his mind for at least packing his backpack.

beomgyu soon made his entrance and giggled when seeing his hyung rolling on the bed in exhilaration, not seeming to stay still. the youngest jumped onto his hyung as a bright smile spread across his features. the two's laughter emitted through the room as soobin smiled at the pair. no one could separate them.

"you know we are going to incheon to stay there for the week right?" soobin asked the others, who were now laying on the bed, panting to catch their breath. they both nodded, too tired to say anything. the latter shook his head while laughing to himself as he finished packing yeonjun's luggage.

beomgyu pouted at this and said, "that's unfair hyung, why did you pack his bag?"

"because he's my boyfriend."

yeonjun broke in to a goofy grin and laughed harder when the youngest pounced on him again.


the blonde had just finished packing his baggage and was sitting on the edge of his bed, internally panicking. the trip was bad for all the right reasons: his mother was buried in incheon (the latter was born in seoul but his family had moved to incheon shortly before the war) and this journey was for the seniors, which meant he was bound to see yeonjun and soobin, and even possibly beomgyu while they were there. 

he had only visited his mother's grave once and that was at her funeral. no one even noticed his presence as he hid behind another tombstone as the procession was underway. the latter saw how they put his mother into the ground, covered her 'box' with the earth's content before they all hurried away. 

he hadn't really grasped the concept of death just yet, this was the only thing of the world that his mother hid from him.  and he wasn't near ready to pay her a visit that he would forever remember. no one he knew now knew where she was buried and he wasn't going to disclose that secret for anyone.

or so he thought...

huening kai entered the room just to see a panicking taehyun rolling across the perimeter of his bed, pulling his hair in frustration. he sighed before hugging the paralyzed-in-fear-and-shock body and rubbing his tummy, something the younger always liked to do. he was the only one who could calm him down but he could never calm him down enough to make him enter his normal state, it would always take the blonde quite a while to do that by himself.

"are you ready to go? we need to reach the coach in about an hour, we'll go early to get the best seat, okay?" huening asked the slightly older. he nodded his head hesitantly as a response, and huening kai reassured that everything will be fine.

or so he thought...


i just realized that 5+5+3= unlucky 13 oof

i felt motivated to write this chapter, pls support me through the way ❣️

angst coming up, it hurts me to write these next chaps

also my chapters are prewritten so it might sound a bit weird 

feel free to vote, comment and even follow my profile for more updates! i will try to update as soon as possible!

love yall! ❣

𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 || 𝕥𝕒𝕖𝕘𝕪𝕦 ✓Where stories live. Discover now