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𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣/𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

the coaches were ready to depart. 199 students were all strapped up and ready to go, some were already dozing, others fully knocked out, some snacking on some food and others making small talk with their friends. all except one of them. 

that one student was looking out the window, his mind at work manufacturing the worst case scenarios in the boy's head. he was anticipating what was to come. his life was already a hot mess, this outing could make it or break it for him.

he looked outside through the window, the rain pouring down on the hood of the buses like cats and dogs while dark, melancholy, puffs of grey filled the sky to the brim. taehyun loved the rain, it always reminded him of the sad but true life he was living. he felt like he could relate to the rain the most, like the rain had its own story to tell. 

huening kai had already dozed off, with the dolphin pillow beomgyu had gotten him at the fair. the blonde had also won him a hairclip that had five streaming stars of of them, with a silver painted moon as the centerpiece. the latter wondered how if the black-haired had the present with him still. he didn't even know if beomgyu remembered him! wouldn't he question why he had the 'meaningless' object and throw it away? the three youngsters were the best of friends. funny how love could rip that away from them, isn't it?

ever since the discovery of his new safe place via his panic attack, he had come to appreciate nature a whole lot more. this week away from home meant that he couldn't go to his 'hideout' which almost gave him a heart attack by just thinking about it. from evergreen coniferous trees to the miniature daisies and peonies that dotted the lush fields, he came to love it all. although the blonde was jealous of the life they were living, all sunshine and rainbows, it also gave him hope that his own happiness would come, and it would, in a form he would not expect.

the grey puffs of softness remained hung in the air as the latter felt himself doze off to dreamland.


as soon as the trio got on board, soobin almost immediately fell asleep, obviously tired of dealing with two hyper teenagers on the way to the bus stop. yeonjun eyed him with a weird expression, before giggling and kissing his nose. beomgyu made a digusted face at the older couple before yeonjun hit him playfully on the head. 

a few hours later and yeonjun was asleep now and on soobin's lap, the blue-haired cradling him like a baby. the latter had woken up after his boyfriend kept banging his head against him, slipping in and out of consciousness. the younger had had enough of the pain in his shoulder and therefore scooped the latter into his arms before sleeping himself. the pink-haired had already caused him enough trouble, and he wanted his well earned rest.

the commotion in the bus had calmed down as most of the people were asleep by now. but the latter (beomgyu) couldn't find his dear friend called sleep. annoyed, he dug his hand into his bag, looking for his sleeping mask, but his hand hit a small box. his face contorted into a questioning one before pulling out the container. 

and lo and behold, the black-haired had found a small black and white box. he opened it, looking around, as if he didn't want anyone to find out his new-found secret. inside he found a hair clip, with a crescent as the mantle and five shooting stars emerging from them. however, as soon as he laid eyes upon the item, he got hit with a wave of migraine, more like nostalgia. he winced at the pain and closed the box and placed it back in his bag before drifting off to sleep, after his thoughts disturbing him for a while.


idk what to say, follow me maybe?

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love yall! ❣

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