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𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣/𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

the buses arrived at their destination the next morning since the trip had had quite a delayed due to the heavy rainfall. the vehicle halted at the national incheon fairtrade bus stop, where people could also go to the international airport nearby. the two lead teachers, assisted by mrs. song, woke up the children and prepared them for the two-hour train ride to their hostel, which the school rented out for the whole week.

the chatty juniors and seniors, well at least the majority of them, filed out of the coaches as the teachers bid farewell to the bus driver before joining the students on their quick walk to the underground train station.

huening kai could sense something was wrong with taehyun as the latter was not his normal self, at least for now. he would normally cover up whatever he was feeling with expressionless features gracing his face, but now he had a long, forlorn look. as if he had been reminded of something he didn't like or didn't want to know but did anyway.

"tae, are you okay?" huening asked in pure concern.

"when am i ever feeling 'okay'?"

his words were covered in such a emotion that the younger couldn't grasp on. it wasn't like his usual boring tone, but something much more distressing.

he had made the decision to ask the blonde later, he needed some time to think over what possibly could be wrong. there were endless possibilities but because the latter had never talked about his feelings with huening, that shortened his chances of knowing what he was thinking.

the latter had been under the weather and that was clear in sight to anyone he came across. his negative outlook on life is what made others afraid of him but today people could sense to be more wary of him.


the host of students and staff took their seats on the mode of transportation as the head teacher told them about safety, manors and behavior on public transport. most weren't even listening, sleep, food or friends being much more interesting.

beomgyu was still in a daze thinking about the little item he had found last night. it was so beautiful, but why was it in his bag. he couldn't remember what he had got it from, nor the person he had, maybe, received it from. yet, it was in his backpack, calling the place its home.

the black-haired had made up his mind to ask yeonjun, about it, maybe the elder would know where the hair clip had come from.


the pink-haired turned around from pinching his boyfriend's cheek.


"do you know know what-"

the younger pulled out the box and displayed the object for yeonjun to see.

"-this relates to?"

the older, along with the blue-haired, both widened their eyes at the item as nostalgic feelings immediately hit them unexpectedly.

"when did you find that?" soobin questioned.

"in the middle of the night, when i couldn't sleep. i was looking for my sleeping mask when i found this..."

the older two didn't know what to say. yes, they have forgiven taehyun and huening kai, but they haven't interacted in such a long time that they didn't know how to approach the two. it would be so awkward.

they didn't know however that they wouldn't have to, in a way no one would expect.

as they all say, expect the unexpected.


i hate this chapter, it was horrible

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love yall! ❣

𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 || 𝕥𝕒𝕖𝕘𝕪𝕦 ✓Where stories live. Discover now