Chapter 1 - Updated

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Irene P.O.V

I woke up to my baby girl, Aniyah crying as usual.

"Really, she still cries?" my husband Leonardo asked.

"Yes she does is that a problem " I responded back.

Ever since our last daughter was born his attitude has changed. He's been really angry and just been taking his frustration out on everyone, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone.

" What's wrong baby" I questioned Nyiah as I checked to see what was wrong. Most of the time its just because she woke up and is lonely ( is that weird ). Since it was only 5:30am I decided to start getting ready for the day. After ironing me and Leo's clothes, and preparing my babies stuff ( clothes and babybag )and doing some cleaning I started breakfast.

As soon as I finished placing the last egg on my plate I felt arms snake around my waist.

"I'm sorry babe" Leo said as he kissed my neck. This is how it is everyday now. Anyiah wakes up, he acts like a d*ck and then thinks saying sorry helps but I love him so I let it slide. Before I could say its OK I hear my other 2 kids feet coming down the stairs.

"Morning mommy" they both say as I set their food on the table.

"Morning babies" I say back. After everyone is done eating we all get ready for the day.


As I walk in my beauty salon the smell of hair burning, and nail polish fill my nostrils.

"Good morning Michelle Doll' I say to one of my closest friends.

"Hey Rene " she says just as she is finishing a clients last curl. Me and Elle go way back. We met at cosmetology school and been best friends since. She even walked in my wedding.

"Anything new with you and Kyle ?" I asked. See she had been having "trouble" in her marrige because her husband Kyle wants more children but she failed to tell him that she has been taking birth control after having her son.

"Nothing new just same old hey Elle I want more kids or look how cute those babies are over there I'm getting tired of it" she says imitating her husband "I've been thinking of asking for a divorce you know like damn can't a man be happy with one kid I'm an only child and look how I turned out .... Fine "

I never rely understood Elle's hatred toward kids ... or people at that.

"Common I mean giving him one child could save your marriage"

"NO and that's final he better be happy I didn't abort the damn child we have now if I did there would be no us I wouldn't be going through this so you, Kyle and Leo could just back off" she ranted and stormed out of the shop.


Leonardo's P.O.V

As I walked into my office the first thing that caught my eye was the huge pile of orders I had to fill out for the dumb bells the new gym we're starting needed. As I started to fill them in I heard my office door open.

"Hey man, you busy ?" asked my friend Kyle

"No man I'm just you know sleeping, yes I'm busy but you look like s*it so what you need" I said

"Um its about Elle she's hiding something from me and something big man"

"What is it ?" I asked

"Um well she..."

"Leonardo Nachilli Mr.Greenblaine will like to see you in his office" my P.A said through the intercome.

"Um I'll tell you later" he said.


" You needed me sir " I asked as I walked in Mr G's office. See he's nobody to mess with and the fact that 7 people have been fired these past two weeks I was praying I wasn't next.

" Take a seat Mr. Nachilli I won't bite just yet." He said " What's this I hear about you not completing the order forms" he questioned.

" Um sir ..... Um s.s.s.sir I I I meant ttto fillll ttthhem bbbuut uummm.." I've never stumped this hard only when I asked Irene to marry me or when she said she was pregnant...all three times.

" Silence, you're here because I wanted to tell you that you'll have a lot of time on your hands to fill those files in you new office I'm promoting you so calm down boy" Did I hear him right maybe Anyiah crying has ruined my ears

"Excuse me, promoted "

"Yes unless you don't want the promotion then I can call my other canidates here" he said

"But why I mean thank you and this is my last question sir" I said shocked.

"Well since the last Shipping Manager was fired you were next in line I mean you worked beside him so .." He stopped looking at me

"Oh thank you and I'll finish those papers "

"You better"


"Babe,Irene,Sugar where u at !!" I yelled looking for my wife

"Why are you yelling and I'm in the kitchen" she said back

"Guess what"

"OK um Idris Alba is on our lawn"


"August Alsina is about to sarinate me outside"


"That hunk of chocolate at your job is outside with plane tickets to Hawaii"

"Ok I think you married the wrong kind of guy and what hunk of chocolate guy you talking about"

"Haha I'm joking what"

"I JUST GOT A PROMOTION BABE " I yelled while picking her up and spining around.

"Wow this needs a celebration" she said seductively

"Yes it does"

"Ok what's Idris's number " she joked.

Authors Note
So how was it I know pretty long but the next chapter will be Elle's or Kyle's POV and maybe even their son but pls leave feedback so I can make this story better
Jake Gyllenhaal as Leonardo

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