Chapter 18 - Updated

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Ok so before you guys read and please read this, im reading a book called A Love To Remeber and it is so far a good book so if you're interested please read the book, vote ,comment cause I'm addicted even after two chapters seriously BTW this is a friend of mine who wrote the book. So onto the story

  Irene's P.O.V

"Hi welcome to Gordon's Master Grill my names Michelle and I'll be your waitress for tonight  would you like anything to drink first" I heard the waitress. I was looking at the drink menu confused on what to order.

"Oh my gosh" I heard both the waitress and Leo whisper. I look up only to see the lady I so thought was a friend until she slept with my husband was standing in front of us with a notepad.

"Isn't this hilarious," I said while sitting back. Both Leo and Michelle looked at me then at each other. Knowing Leo I knew what he was going to ask in 3.2.1

"How's the baby" he said looking down

"Good, I'm sure you known that Kyle knows." She said shifting from one foot to the other "and you Irene" she asked turning to me

"This is not a reunion and Im ready to order" I said waving my menu.

"Ok um what would you like" she asked with disappointment in her eyes, like I care.

"I'll have a virgin cocktail"

"I'll have water that's it and your finest wine" Leo ordered

"Ok I'll be back"


Michelle's P.O.V

Uhhhhgg she irratates my soul, not only are they on good terms but she's mocking me too. I guess she never heard of don't bite the hand that feeds you.


Irene's P.O.V

"Ok so are you ready to order" Michelle came back asking

"Um yeah I want a burger with extra onions, cheese, um fries, can I also get your beef and broccoli with white rice and that's it" Leo orders looking up smiling.

"Ok I think you're the pregnant one and I'll have the fried rice with beef but please don't add any soy products I'm highly allergic to any soy" I said their fired rice with beef was known with coming with soy in the sauce but since I'm allergic I couldn't eat it with soy.

"Ok sure I'll make sure to watch the chefs" Michelle said while giving a smile and walking away.

"She seems nicer"  Leo said smiling

"Its all fake" I said while sipping my cocktail.


Leo's P.O.V

As soon as I saw Michelle with the big black food plate thing I knew our food was done. I loved this place probably more than Irene did I mean her face wasn't on the wall for the most food ordered at once. It was mine so I'm awesome.

"Are you sure there is no soy" I heard Irene asked.

"Yes just eat the damn food" Michelle said walking away. After about 10 minutes of eating our food of silence I looked up to see Irene looking down at her food with swollen eyes and her clutching her throat

"No no no" I said while getting up " MEDIC MEDIC" I yelled doing the pumping her stomach to help get the food out

"They're coming sir" a nearby waitress said to me.

"Ok come on babe come on" once the medics came they took her to the hospital to pump her stomach.

"You..." I said while pointing to Michelle "she asked you if soy was in there you caused this you filfty s.o.b I hope you rot I hell" I yelled at Michelle before getting into my car and driving to the hospital.

Ohhhhhh Irene's in the hospital

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