Chapter 24 - Updated

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Irene's P.O.V

"How's the baby" I hear someone say as they sit next to me. I look only to see Leo's mom

"I don't know yet but something's wrong with Michelle, they rushed her out with her being unconscious" I say looking at the wall.

"Oh honey its going to be alright"

"Mom, Irene meet Isaiah." Leo said while holding a small baby boy

"Awww lui è così piccolo e carino" his mother cued
He's so small and cute

"I know thanks ma," I just sat there looking at the boy

"Can I hold him" I ask

"Sure I mean you might be his step mom if you take me back,  there setting up the test right now" Leo says while handing me the baby

"He's so adorable and squishy" I say rubbing his cheeks.

"Don't cry baby" Leo says while wiping a tear I didn't know had even fell.

"I'm...ok" I say still looking at Isaiah.

"Um Michelle" everybody including the two Leo's me, and Leo's mom stood up. "She didn't make it" a nusrse said while looking at him sadly.


"Oh and the doctors are ready for the test to begin" she said

"I'll be back" he said getting up and kissing me but I move my head so he got my cheek

After 15 mins of them in the room. Leo came back with tears in his eyes.

"He's he's "


⬆️baby Isaiah⬆️

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