Chaptet 4 - Updated

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Leo's P.O.V

"So what are you guys doing for Gabe's birthday" Kyle asks before sipping his beer.

Today is what we call a chill day. Our females get their hair and nails done and we get our beer done.

"I really don't know I was thinking of just having it here you know not that big but big enough." I say more to myself than him

"Yeah I get ya but he's turning 7. I remember when Marty was turning 7" he says

"Yeah me too. I had just met Irene"


"I had just met Irene no and about it"

He laughed and sipped his beer.

"What going on with you and Michelle" I overheard Irene on the phone with Michelle about giving him a break.

"She won't give me another kid. And I really want one" he said looking in his beer can. 

"Well having another baby is not always easy" I said looking at him. I mean I have three kids.

He nodded his head and took a huge swing from his beer. I knew he wasn't convinced but if Michelle didn't want another kid, I honestly think he shouldn't pressure her so much.

Just a filler by the way next one to
Gabriel, Aniyah and Hailey ⬆️

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