Chapter 16 ( 2 months) - Updated

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Leo's P.O.V

I woke up to the front door opening. Rushing downstairs I went to see who it was and it was the only my love Irene.

"Hi"she says walking past me

"Hi I miss you"I say grabbing her arm

"Good for you"

"Why are you back"

"I need to get the shop files, I'm looking for a new stylists since Michelle's fired"


Irene's P.O.V

"Hi Irene" Samantha one of the good friends I has left said as I walked into the school she taught at. Today I was going to walk around and expect everything about the females and males attending the school to see who was going to fill that triffling *oe Michelle's spot.

"Ok guys listen, my good friend Irene is going to be expecting you guys to see who is going to be working in her shop. Remember to breath while doing the dolls hair." She said to the students. In order to find out what they had. They had to wash, curl, braid, straighten, cut and anything in between to the different dolls.

It was about 2 pm in the afternoon when I went to pick up the kids from school and preschool and bring them home so their dad  could spend time with them

"Bye mommy" my kids said ad I walked out the door

"Bye babies" I said leaving, but was stopped by Leo.

"Wait come to dinner with me tomorrow night please"

I can't believe what I'm about to do

Outfit Irene wore to the school also how she looked in the outfit

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