Chapter 22 - Updated

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Michelle's P.O.V

"Did you enjoy your baby shower" Leonard my boyfriend asked

"Yeah but I think Irene and Leo should have never came I thought they weren't together anymore" I said shighing. See the baby isn't really Leo's. I've known Leonard for a long time and while I was sleeping with Leonardo I was also sleeping woth Leonard. But don't worry my men look alike.

"When are you going to tell him that I'm the dad and not him, I mean I didn't leave my fiancé for nothing" he said

"I know maybe later" but I know I'll never tell him. I mean his kids get anything they want. Gabe's birthday had a park rented out. Aliyah's first birthday was every little girls dream and just wait till Hailey turns four. I want my 'child' with him to live like his kids.

"Well goodnight" Leonard said while going into the bedroom.


Irene's P.O.V

"So I was thinking of getting a test after the baby's born" Leo said we were shopping. Yes I know where not together but my condo needed furniture and I don't clearly don't have muscles

"Really now, you're having doubts"

"Yeah I mean I only did it once and if I count right , she should be 6 to 7months pregnant not 9. "

"Yeah well if you would have kept it in your pants you wouldn't be in this situation." I say while pushing the cart and playing with Aniyah

"Your right and I'm really sorry" he said while walking with Hailey sleeping on his shoulder and Gabe holding his hand.

"I think that's all" I said looking at the cart full of paint and boarders



Tammyfae thank you for voting on my story.

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