Chapter 8 - Updated

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Irene's P.O.V

Where are you going dressed like that" I hear from behind me knowing its Leo.

"I told you last night I had a client who liked our shop so much that she wanted to help expand it over different states." I say

"So it's only a female"

"Yes and no her son workes for some firm that helps small upcoming stores and stuff and she thinks that he can help" I say back

"In your pants and why didn't you ask me to help."

"Well you ship G.Y.M equipment I help people look G.O.O.D there a huge difference baby" I say to him

"Alright but have fun but not with him."


"Hello I'm Irene Nachilli and you are " I say shaking the unknown guy's hand.

"Hello Ms.Nachilli I'm Victor... Victor Harper" he says returning the favor but kissing my hand also.

"Oh no it's Mrs. with an r I'm married" I said

"I knew someone as pretty as you wouldn't be single but this isn't about my feelings let's start." He says.


Leo's P.O.V

Ding dong

"Coming" I say rushimg to the door.

"Oh is Irene here" Michelle asked while looking around.

"No she's still at the meeting but if you want to stay and wait that'll be fine " I say to her

"No I'm happy she's not here" she said looking into my eyes.

"Wwwwwwhat are y y y you d d doing" I say as she puches me into a wall and kisses my neck.

"What does it look like I'm doing just enjoy it. " she says

45 mins later

That was nice" she says while panting

"Yes it was but you need to go"

"Ok see you next time big boy"

I don't even know what I just did. I get s*x almost every day but yet I go and sleep with my best friend's wife.

"Uh" I clean the sheets putting on a fresh pair that looked similar and took a shower.

"Honey I'm home" I hear as I get out.

"Upstairs how was work" I asked as I saw her head pop through.

"Good. He say he'd call me if anything comes up in the next few week or so"

"Oh good we'll after you left I dropped the kids off at school and mom offered to pick and watch them after vising me and that's it" I obviously leaving the I spelt with your best friend.

"Really that's all you did" she said while looking at the bed sheets.

"Yeah oh I decided to change the covers, last night was fun but my skin was being scratched  to death so I put the satin ones on" damn tell the truth ja*k a**

"And took a shower at 7 at night I thought 9 was your shower time with me" she says while taking off her heels.

I move and sit next to her taking her foot in my hands " well I thought you'll be tired and wanted time for yourself"

"Oohhhh I didn't but please that feels so good right now" she says while leaning back and soon falling asleep. I'm telling Kyle first thing tomorrow.


Michelle's P.O.V

"Damn damn damn you're so dumb Elle." I say while hitting the steering wheel.


I didn't mean to sleep with him I was mad at what Kyle kept doing everyday and that it drove me to this." I'm telling Irene tomorrow first thing " I say while restarting the car and driving home.

Irene's outfit

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