Chapter 21 - Updated

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"Ba... Irene hurry up were going to be late" I yell from downstairs in her small condo she lived in now.

"I'm coming I'm looking for my sunglasses and this isn't my child anyway" Irene yells

"Ok" as I go back to the car.

"Daddy is the baby in aunty Michelle's stomach real" Gabe asks

"What do you mean " I ask while looking at him

"Uncle Kyle said the baby isn't his. So I thought the baby wasn't real" he said

"Oh um what he meant was that...." and just as I was about to explain Irene came in the car. Saved by my wife I mean you know what forget it.

"So let's go we're already late as you say" she said while buckling her seatbelt


"Hey man glad you guys made it us guys in the back kids upstairs and females in the living room" Michelle's new boyfriend who name was Leonard said to us while opening up the door.

"Thanks and he got this for the baby" Irene said referring to the box that contained the car seat

"Oh thankz dude " he said taking it


"your wife is really a looker" Leonard said while staring at Irene's butt

"Yeah but can you stop looking at her a** before you have no eyes to look at her with" I said sipping my beer. I need something stronger to last me this long night

"Sorry" he said. Just as the other dudes were talking Kyle came

"Hey man" he said sitting next to me. Did I mention that me and Kyle fixed our relationship but me and Irene can't.

"Hey" I said

"See you meet Leonard" he whispered

"Yeah keeps staring at Irene's butt" I whispered back


"Time to open the presents sent to Michelle" her friend yelled through the house

"Ok well let's go gentlemen" Michelle's friend husband said while getting up

"Ugh I'm getting old" I said while getting up and stretching


"Today was stressful" Irene said while I was rubbing her feet. At least she didn't want to go home I thought to myself

"Yes yes it is "

"Did you notice Leonard staring at my butt I wanted to beat him" she said while getting comfy

"No I need a back massage" I said while laying on my stomach.

"Let me think about that" she said getting up "no and while you're at it stay down here I'm sleeping in the main bedroom" she says walking away. She gonna be the death of me


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