Chapter 3 - Updated

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Irene P.O.V

Tonight will be a very hectic day. Leonardo got a promotion 2 days ago and wanted to celebrate. Of course I gave him a huge celebration in bed ( if you know what I mean ) but now he wanted to bring over his family, mine, and Kyle and Michelle over for dinner, and guess who's making all the food. Me.

"Mommy can I have some juice?" My son Gabe asked me.

"Sure baby after I do this" I said referring to me mixing the Mac n cheese.

After giving Gabe his juice I heard Anyiah crying.

"You've got to be kidding me" I said to myself. I ran upstairs only to see Leo holding Nyiah. Yeah did I mention he was always home and never asked to help me.

"I thought you were cooking " he said to me "I was but I heard my baby cry" I said

"Well I got it from here so"

"Ok" I said rolling my eyes. I swear this man has no respect for me at times.


Cling cling Leo clinged his knife against his wine glass.

"Ok guys I have something I want to tell y'all" he said.

"Andare avanti con lui io non sono più giovane" his father said
Get on with it I'm not getting any younger

"Dad when are you going to speak in english " Leo asked

"Never ok go on" his father said sipping his whiskey.

"Ok I got promoted," everyone was silent for a moment.

'From my job aren't you guys happy" he asked a little disappointed nobody clapped or cheered. I mean it was expected.

"Of course we are hunny we just always knew you'll get promoted its just about time." his mom said

"Ok" and dinner went on

This was really short but I'm getting used to the writing thing.
Micheal Early as Kyle

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