Chapter 10 - Updated

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Dedicated to Lol_moxxie and Lsu_Girl_1 thabk you for voting and adding my story to your reading list

Elle's P.O.V

Well this is awkward here I am shopping for a banquet for tomorrow with the lady who husband I'm currently sleeping with.

"How about this clutch" Irene says as she shows me a gold clutch that matches the shoes I'm currently holding.

"Um sure I think they look cute" I say lookin at both items then her.

"So you're gonna wear all black" I ask as I see her staring at two black clutches.

"Yeah , Leo got me these black shoes and I only wore them once and he's been so nice lately I want to wear them again. " she says blabbering about Leo. If only she knew what happened before I got here.

"Oh ok Kyle never got me anything, unless you called getting pregnant something." I say looking down.

"Its ok that outfit is gonna blow his mind tomorrow. " she says. No it'll blow your husband's mind.


Irene's P.O.V

"So what did you get " Leo asked me while we were taking on the phone. He had to stay after work to help his boss with something.

"You'll have to guess"

"No I won't I'll just look in be closet when you're sleeping" he said

"You wish I kept in an secret hiding place" I said smirking

"Did you stop by V.S before coming home" he asked

"I'm hanging up now bye Nardo." I said using the other nick name I gave him


Leo's P.O.V

"Uhg baby just like that" I say while clutching Elle's hair as she sucked me off

"You like that Nardo" she says while rubbing my ba**s

"Yeah" I say looking down biting my lip.

Knock knock

"Come in " I say sitting up and pushing her back underneath my desk

"Hey man I got to talk to you" Kyle says while walking in sitting down. Oh S*hit goes through my head.

"Um yeah about what" I asked

"Ok during my lunch break I went to the jewlers and got Elle this nice purple necklace. Since she's wearing that color to the banquet tomorrow what you think." He said showing me a necklace.

"Its nice and all but are you sure she'll like it"I said knowing that she wasn't going to wear it since her outfit colors where white and gold.

"Of course she'll love it its her favorite color, and she's been looking at this necklace for a while " he said with an attitude

"Ok man don't kill me " I said jokingly.

"Alright see you later" ok he's gone I said to her waiting for her to continue

'Um I got to go" she said getting up "see you tomorrow"


Elle's P.O.V

After hearing what Kyle got for me I felt terrible. Not only did I lie to him to about what color I was wearing but I'm sleeping with his best friend. Ugh I hate me.

Do you think Elle and Leo will ever stop

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