Chapter 23 - Updated

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Michelle's P.O.V

I woke up to a wet bed. I knew for a fact that it wasn't pee when I felt a strong pressure between my legs

"Babe wake up, I'm in labor" I said while hitting Leonard's arm

"Uh what OMG yo babe you're having the baby" he may look like Leonardo but doesn't have his brains

"No duh get the bag and start the car Im going to change" I say while getting off the bed

"Ok ok ok we've practiced this ok ok ok ok" I hear him say while pacing the room


Irene's P.O.V

RING RING goes the home phone yes I spent the night again


"Yes um Irene was it can you come to the hospital like now" I hear Leonard say through the phone

"Um yeah sure" I waited a couple of seconds after hanging up the phone to stretch  "ok" in say to myself getting up and heading to the main bed since I slept in the guest room

"Um Leo we need to go to the hospital"

"Why you seem fine " Leo says while turning over

"No I think some things up with Michelle and the baby" I say holding my arm smiling knowing he thought of me first

"What" he sys shooting up from the bed and rushing around

"Ok ok ok I've done this three times I'm ok"he says while pacing


"Where can I find Michelle Johnson " Leo says to the front desk.

"Oh you must be the brother of the father" she says looking at him " she on the fourth floor room 401 "

"Thanks" we both say and head to the elevator.( don't worry the kids are with Leo's parents)

"Did you hear her, maybe she slept with him and is pinning the baby on me because he looks like me" Leo said while fuming

"Sure" I say rolling my eyes

"Uggggggggggh" we hear as we get off the elevator

"That's her" I say while dragging him towards the door

"Um excuse me sir, miss you can't go in only the father and one more person so one of you can't go inside" a nurse said while stopping us

"Um you go" I say while patting him on the back. I shouldn't even be here anyway


Leo's P.O.V

"Um excuse me sir, miss you can't get in only the father and one more person so one of you can't go inside" a nurse said while stopping us

"Um you go" Irene say while patting me on the back. I headed into the room only to find Leonard kissing and rubbing her stomach. I cleared my thoart causing them to look at me

"Hey bro" Leonard said reaching his hand to shake them.

'Hi ,how's the baby" I ask while sitting down next to Michelle

"Good good I'm almost 10 cm far" she says while breathing

"How far along " I ask while rubbing her stomach. When Irene was in labor this was the only thing that helped her.

"8" Leonard said while holding her hand.

"Where's Irene" he asks

"Outside um do you want anything, ice chips, a doctor. nurse " I continue with with my questions

"Um yeah a doctorrrrrr" she yells

"Um yeah yeah" I head out calling for a doctor then not a couple seconds later one rushes in

"Your ready Mrs.Johnson" he says as he calls for the midwife and for me and Leonard to put he srucbs on

"Ok on three push ok"

'Ok shut up and count" she yells while squezzing both me and the other Leo's hand

"Ok 1..2..3..push"


" 1..2..3..push"


" 1..2..3..push"


"Your doing fine ok push babe push" Leonard say while wiping the swear off her forehead

"Last one 1..2..3..push"


"Congratulations Mrs. Johnson " the doctor says "it's a boy" but nothing came from Michelle.

"Mrs.Johnson....." he says after giving the baby to the nurse

Um is Michelle ok ?  Three more chapters then the story is over, or is it?

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