Chapter 25 - Updated

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Irene's P.O.V

"He's.....he's not mine" Leo said while sitting down next to me.

"Why would she lie through her teeth for 9 months, I mean was she ever gonna tell me" he said as a single  tear went down his face

"Oh baby boy, does it matter you have one handsome boy, and two beautiful girls, and a gorgeous wife might I add that and your here crying over a baby that is cute I say but also not yours " his mother said while rubbing his back. At hard times like this she is the person to come to.

"You're right mama" he said kissing her cheek and grabbing Isaiah

"Where are you going" I asked

"To give him to his father" I'll admit I missed having a baby. Little clothes, bottles, chubbiness I can go on for days but, I don't think I want a baby with Leo at this moment not after everything. Or anything to do with him at all.


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