Chapter 19 - Updated

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Leo's P.O.V

Beep beep beep that stupid hospital machine was annoying me for at least a day and this chair was aching my back.

"Ugh" I hear come from Irene's hospital bed

"Baby, you're up" I said rushing over to her side

"Ug I knew that b*itch was pulling something" she said rubbing her thoart

"Yeah I was thinking of filing a law suit but her boss fired her when he heard me yelling at her" I said rubbing her forehead.

After a few minutes of silence I remembered to press the button if anything happed so I pressed it. Dr. Ophanny walked in checking her

"How are you Mrs. Nachilli" he questioned

"My thoart hurts my head just everything" she replied as she watch him check her

"Well of course I mean you had a bad reaction, but you seem fine I gave your husband medicine and an epi pen if you eat soy again, your ready to go"

"Thanks doc" I said while helping her off the bed and handing her the clothes I brought her.


Irene's P.O.V

I was looking at the clothes Leo brought me and almost cried. I mean can you blame me, my husband's ex mistress tried to kill me not even 24 hours ago.

"Do you like it" he asked as I walked out

"Um yeah, so where are we going " I asked as I opened the umbrella since it was raining

"To my mom's house I told the babysitter to drop them off" he said as we got to the car



"My baby how are you " Leo's mom asked as we walked through the door

"Good sore but good"

"Ha è quello che ha detto" Leo's dad said getting a death glare from his wife
Ha that's what she said.

"Papà davvero, poteva morire" Leo responded sitting down
Dad really, she could have died

"Sorry" his dad said getting up to hug me "so do you want anything" he asked in his strong accent.

"No papà I'm ok" I say heading to the kitchen where Leo's mom was cooking

"Mama where are the babies " I asked looking around

"They are...."

"MOMMY" I hear my babies yell running towards me

"Hi babies how are you" I asked while kissing them

"Eww mommy I'm a big boy and we're fine" Gabe said while wiping off my kisses which kind of hurts

"Ok big boy, where's Aniyah " and for the second time of me asking where my child was I heard Niyah's giggles from the living room. Leo had her

I walked in into the living room to see Leo giving Aniyah raseberrys ( blow on the babies stomach). I couldn't help but realize that in 4 months Leo might be doing that to Michelle's baby. Sigh.

Ok so Irene's ok and the babies are good

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