Chapter 6 - Updated

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Irene's P.O.V

Leo wanted to take me, the kids, Gabe's friends from school and the Robinson's to a theme park for Gabe's birthday. Even though I told Michelle that Marty didn't have to come she said that he did. ( idk why I put that ) anyhow I was standing in front of my closet in my bra and panites looking for an outfit to wear when I felt my husband's arms wrap around me.

"What yah doing bueatiful" he said to me

"I don't know what do you think"

"Ok, ok I'm sorry here let me help you" he said but he's that guy who wife dresses him so no

"No him its ok give me 10 mins"

"Ok we'll be in the car" he said referring to him and the kids. I decided on black jeans and a tank, a beige jacket and heels, and a bag to match my whole outift and left my hair alone. As I got in the car my husband gave me a weird look.

"Really heels to a park, I mean you will be walking"

"We've been through this a lot a times when my feet hurt you carry me"

"Haven't you learn your lesson on that episode of Modern Family when Gloria was wearing those heels and you know hat the par....

"Shut it and drive nobody cares if my feet hurt ok"


"Ok. Let's go Mr. Blabber"


Martin's P.O.V

Do I really have to go"I  say while getting into my dad's car

"Yes now get in" as usual my mom replies. She cool when she wants to be but man is she strict.

"Fine but...?" I say knowing there's a but there's always a but.

"You say hi and go nuts" my dad says while giving me a fifty dollar bill. That doesn't last long cause my mom takes it and gives me a twenty.

"That's more than enough" she says. Sometimes I wish I had a sibling so she could leave me alone but I know better than to bring the b word around her.

Every outfit you see that'll either be Irene's,Michelle's,Leo's or anybody you get the gist is from my own personal Polyvore account. (Which is in my bio so you can go follow me) Very short chapter

⬆️Irene's outift

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