Chapter 7 - Updated

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Leo's P.O.V

"Hey può tutti essere tranquillo che stiamo per tagliare la torta"
Hey can everybody be quiet we're about to cut cake my dad yelled only to get a response out of my family only.

"Um papà inglese per favore"
Um dad English please

"Questo non è parte di mio figlio voglio solo torta"
This is not my son's birthday I just want cake

"Really papa Chilli" Irene says "anyhow he said to be quiet were cutting cake" my wife yells. After that we got a bunch of "finally's" and "thank gods I was tired of pretzels".

After cutting cake I realized I hadn't seen Irene since she called everyone for cake.

"Watch them" I told my brother referring to my kids.

"No problem " he responded as I searched for my wife.

"Irene, babe,love" I yelled but got nothing. Not until I was her sitting in the car rubbing her feet. I unlocked the drivers seat and turned so I was facing her.

"I told you not to wear those heels" I say to her as she turned and put her feet on my lap so her back was facing the window.

"Can you please rub my feet hai le dita magiche baby" she says
You got the magic fingers

After five mins of me rubbing her feet we decided to return to the eating area of the park to help clean.

"Do you want my shoes" I asked her

"No what I want are some sandals or flats at least." She wines

"Well today's your lucky day queen, I told Elle to bring some sandals for you before you left"

She looked at me funny

"I saw you eyeing the shoes and figured you'd wear them today" I shruged.

"Ooookkkk" she says while getting out the car to find Elle.


Kyle's P.O.V

"Hey Elle did you see little Nyiah's face covered in cake today, it was so cute." I said while glancing at Elle.

"Yeah, I saw she's a cute baby" she said bluntly

"Member when..'

"Stop ok you want another baby ok, I get that but you know my decision a true husband will understand that and won't keep pressuring me its like I'm 16 again. " she said breaking down.

"Let's not fight on the car not when Mart is here" I say glancing back seeing that he's asleep even for how big he is.

"But you started it, its always you" she says while staring out the window.

Kyle stop asking for another baby like really.
Gabe's cake

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