The Trick

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Anna's P.O.V

"That was your biggest fear! How? Ugh!" Pitch calmed himself down and said, "Fine, whatever! The next challenge will be..." He snapped his fingers and I was standing in the middle of the towns local theater. The floors were marble along with the walls, don't ask me I think it's stupid! Anyway, the ceiling was made of brown carpet. Yeah this place doesn't make since but oh well. In the center of the ceiling was just bullet proof glass, you could see the full moon shining down.

The big wooden doors led to the rooms for the movies and the snack table was off to the left side of the room. The guardians and pitch were standing off to the side being guarded by fearlings, and ounce again the gun was pointed at my head. "You must find the necklace. The necklace is just a random one A fearling found in the trash but anyway it is in this theater somewhere. Now you must find the necklace... If you survive." He said grinning. "Look familiar?" He asked gesturing behind me. I turn around and see nightmares in the shape of men, each holding an Ak47. This did look very familiar, I had a dream of random men holding Ak47's pointing them at a bat like figure.

I nod slowly and look up at the moon as if pleading to know who I am.

"Good... Now here are the rule is find the necklace without getting shot. Oh! I almost forgot! Come here!" Pitch said demandingly. "No" I state simply.

He disappears, "where did ya go." Next thing I know there's a clipping sound to my left wrist. I look at my wrist and see some metal bracelet on my wrist. "What is this?" I ask no one in particular. "It's a bracelet so you can't use your powers, you are the most powerful one here!" He exclaims like it was obvious. I grunt back in answer. "Ok then. Let the games begain!" He yells and suddenly a bullet goes right by my head. Oh crap! As I run to the wood doors bullets follow me.

I run into the doors, look for something, anything to buy me sometime before they come shoot me! I find a long cane leaning against the wall. I jam it into the door handles and hope this works. The door starts rattling in its frame. I knew I only had seconds before they get in so I start searching. I looked under and in and around everything and anything. Nothing was in the halls so I start searching the theater rooms.

Wow, I had never seen so many seats and such a big screen! I'd never been to the movies so I wouldn't know what it's like. I walked around in a daze before I remember what I must do. Right then I hear marching down the halls. I look out the door and see the shadow men marching down te halls in search for me. I ran and hid under one of the chairs. Two walked in with their guns pointed and ready to shoot. They searched everywhere but under the seats. They grunted and walked out. I sighed in relief.

I quickly and quietly searched all of the seats and aisles and even behind the screens in every theater room but one. The last room was going to be showing rise of the guardians... How ironic. I walked in and started looking. And right in the center of the room something was glowing a purple and green color inside a seat. I scratched the seat with my nails until it finally came open. There sat a gold locket almost exactly like Pitch's only it was glowing. I picked it up and the whole room lit up by the locket and everything went dark again. I curiously open the locket and it showed two people. I gasped, it was the man in my dream/vision, the joker, and on the left side was the woman from my dream/vision.

I closed it and walked out and back into the front entrance.

"I found it." I whispered holding it out. "Oh come on!" Cried pitch. "Wait, I did something to make you look so worried or sad, what?!" He asked smiling very faint. I guess he thought he triggered something to make me give up on something. "Nothing." I reply getting annoyed. "Oh it's something, was it the girl, no, or was it your parents?" He questions while walking in circles around me.

Next thing I know I'm pinning him To the wall asking through clenched teeth, "What do you know?!" He smiles and disappears. "Really pitch you disappear again. Oh wait my bad your afraid." I mock. Pitch is now pinning me to the wall in a mater of seconds. He takes deep breaths and let's me go. He started walking away. "Awe he is scared of a little girl like me." I mock again. Now he comes at me and I kick him in the stomach as he falls to the ground. "Fail!" I yell as I stomp on his head. He disappears right before my foot hit him in the face. "Oh come on pitchy whitchy. I just wanna know what you know." "You know you're just like your dad. Does random jokes and hits people just to get what you want, but I understand, you wanna know who you are, just like jack wanted to but he ended up making a mess of things. I hope you don't do the same." His voice says from the shadows.

I was about to respond but suddenly police sirens were heard outside. My heart almost stops, no they couldn't have found me! "Oops looks like that'll have to wait." And everyone disappears.

How could this have happened, and I get an idea. Cameras! This place is full of them!

Police broke through the doors and even windows. Wow was I really that loved for the freakin s.w.a.t to come. They all surrounded me and pointed their guns at me. A man in a black coat and black jeans came up and said in an orderly fashioned manor, "Anna Jocker, you are under arrest for the murder of Wendy Locker, and being mentally insane." What? I never killed that physco cry baby that I called mom when she really wasn't! And wait Anna Jocker?! Sweet I guess I really am his daughter. Wait did he just say mentally insane?! "What?" Is all I could manage out in a small whisper.

He put hand cuffs on me and led me to a cop car. He set me in the back and we were on the road.

My mind was at full speed. Although I could barely think. My attention went fully to the moon. I watched it, i was whispering questions and expecting an answer but nothing.

We drove what was only 30 minutes which felt like hours. We finally arrived and after we crossed a bridge leading into a big city with tall buildings. We made our way past everything expensive and moved off to the side, there was a huge building that looked nice and orderly.

We got out of the car and went up the building, on the side it said in big bold letters, Arkham Asylum. I know that name I just couldn't place it... When we entered it was very different from the outside. Inside all there was were an old desk with a bored, tired looking old lady. Reading some magazine. Four chairs off to the side and a little lamp on the side table. The air smelled like some old library but even more sour than a normal library

We walked up to the woman, she looked up and gasped.

Hope you guys like the book!

Does everyone know who the joker and batman is?

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