Darkness has been defeated

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Anna's P.O.V

I watched the bright light and knew instantly knew who it was, "Sandy! Bunnymund!" I yelled just when I hand went over my mouth. The window I was pinned to by pitch had been open and now I was being dragged in. I screamed and kicked but the hand just gripped tighter. I saw Bunnymund free the others including Batman and Jason and now everyone was fighting.

I fell to the ground with a thump. I looked at the window and saw my abusive asshole 'dad'. "You!" I spat getting up throwing flames and spikes at him which he dodged. "You ruined my damn childhood!!" I yelled. "You're wrong! I might have hit you and hurt you but who's the one who left you in the forest?! Huh?!?" He spat back. I stopped, why was I in that forest.

I threw another spike at him and slice his wrist. "I don't care! at least Joker gives a shit!" Blood came from his wrist but he didnt seem to care. He got out a dagger and a pocket knife.

"Do I care?!" He hit a button that was in his pocket. Nothing happened so I tried throughing another ball of fire. Nothing. I tried again. Nothing.

"What did you do?" I asked looking at my hands like they were some sort of alien that had just landed in my backyard. He smiled and pointed to a box then replied, "Thats a death bringer proof box. It eliminates all death bringers powers if they're in the same room." I glared.

He stepped forward holding the dagger. "You wanna know something about me? I slay death bringers, haven't you noticed how there's no othe death bringer on Earth?! I kill them. I just love to make them feel pain worse than anything first though." He laughed evily. I gulped and stepped back only to hit a person. I spun around and nearly screamed. The girl stood there, same old sinister look and demon personality. I stepped to the side but hit a freakin wall! Just my luck! Being surrounded by my abusive idiot 'dad' and my worst fear. I was powerless I couldn't fight back, guess ill do this the human way. I kicked my 'dad' in the jaw, he stumbled back dropping his pocket knife but not the dagger. I grabbed the knife and jammed the knife in his throat.

I was hit and was flown into the side wall. I grunted as I felt pain spark through me. I looked over and saw my 'dad' lying on the floor dead, the girl speed walked toward me. Well sort of it was a blur cause of how fast she moved. She started talking in Latin but soon said,

"Hangman 1

Hangman 2

This is how it will be

This is what we do." "What the hell is with you and thoughs words?!" I screamed at her standing up. She whispered something in Latin I understood, "It is your destiny." She punched me but I ducked in time. The wall now had a huge hole in it and I could see outside. The guardians, batman and Jason were all trying to fight the nightmares, they looked to be winning but more kept coming. The girl ran up to me while screaming an ear piercing scream. She slammed me into the wall. I grunted again trying to stand back up and fell back down. man she had ALOT of strength. I couldn't let her win this!! I stood back up and saw her stalking slowly up to me. She lifted her hand up and I heard growing above me. I looked up and saw hair just like hers growing down toward my neck. I took a step forward ready to sprint away but it was to late. I was hoisted up and hung there with my air disappearing. "Last words?" The girl asked in her demonish voice. I looked out the window and closed my eyes but reopened them. I felt my eyes burning red. "Your destiny has come." She said. I growled, "No it's your destiny!" I kicked up and did a flip out of the hair and landed on my feet. I grabbed the girl and hoisted her up. I watched her struggle, I got sick of her just struggling. I grabbed the dagger and gabbed it into the demons heart. The house started to shake. The ground opened up between me and the girl. Fire rose and engulfed the girls body the ground, and fire went back to normal. "To hell with you." I said angrily.

I opened te window and jumped out. I started fighting the nightmares with my hands and feet. I did throw some fire and earth but not much. They kept coming and coming I knew this wasn't working and apparently Sandy knew it too. He grabbed my hand and his golden sand lifted us up onto the roof. He grabbed my hand and signed with his sand a cloud. I didn't get it so he made a picture of a trees shadow and an arrow pointing to it. "Oh you mean shadows?! but I cant!" "Yea you can North just didnt know about death bringers also being shadow benders!" Jacks voice yelled. I nodded and closed my eyes repeating the same word in my head.




Sandy ad I took each others hand, I opened my eyes and we raised our hands. Golden sand and shadows crawled up our arms circling each other. We slowly pointed out over the nightmare hoard and fired. The gold and black mixed making a purple green and golden bright light. It exploded over the hole city of Gotham. The nightmares had dissolved into nothing and no more were coming. Pitch just stood there. We all surrounded him ready to kill him. "Uh." He turned to run but Bunnymud shot his boomerang and knocked Pitch out cold. We smirked and I walked up to him. I kicked him in the stomach. "Dumb-ass." I muttered.

A small horse nightmare popped up and dragged pitch away.

The clouds in the sky disappeared and the moon shone brightly. I smiled at it, Thank you I thought.

"Anna! Anna!" My real parents voice yelled. They were running towards me. They engulfed me in a hug. "We saw a bright light and we were worried sick." Harley cried. They suddenly noticed the guardians and everyone else. "Uhh." Said Harley not knowing what to say.

"Batman." I heard my dad mutter. "Joker." Batman spat back. North cleared his voice noticing the tension and said, "Anna, you may not have all your powers but its time. Are you a true guardian?" I smiled and nodded. From his coat he took out a thick book with a 'G' on the front. He flipped through the pages and finally said, "Will you, Anna Joker, vow to watch over the children of the world. To guard them, with your life: their hopes, wishes, and dreams. For they are all we have, all that we are, all that we will ever be." Everyone looked at me smiling, even bunnymund. "I will." I said eager. "You are now a guardian." North said happy. "Finally another girl!" Cried tooth happily flying over to me.

"Wait is she immortal?" Asked my dad out if nowhere. North nodded. "Oh I almost forgot! Have you found your center?" I smiled, of corse I knew! It was kinda obvious. "The Guardian of Chaos." "Ill say." Says Joker smiling. "Well what now?" I asked. "You can come live with us at the workshop." North said. I was kinda disappointed I wanted to stay with my parents until they kinda like..... Died. "But you can always stay here. Just no harming ANY child!" North said sternly. "I won't! I promise." I said quickly. "Good now here." He handed me a silver box with a big red bottom on it. "If you or any child you see is in harm or sense something wrong push this button we will be there. Now good luck." And with that the guardians climbed into Norths slay.

I waved as they disappeared into the sky. Now all that were left was Jason, Batman, my parents and me.

"Hi I-uh guess ill enroll into a school here in Gotham. I don't have parents so yeah uh bye." He walked up to me and kissed my cheek then walked off. I blushed and smiled. Batman grunted and ran into darkness disappearing. I turned to my parents. I had to ask them....

Alright everyone only one more chapter till the end of the book. Thank you everyone whos read, commeted and voted for this book!! :) you guys rock!!

If you guys liked the book then ill be writing more books, ill have another one up called Bloody Mary's daughter. If you don't know who Bloody Mary is it'll tell you in the beginning of the story...

The book for this chapter will be

Mirror Mystery by PoptartsLover

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