The House

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Anna's P.O.V

I woke up with no pain, or feeling different. I felt... Happy. I stood up from the couch and saw Joker and Harley sleeping on pillows and blankets. I tiptoed to the door and slid outside. The sun was slowly rising but you could still see the moon. I smiled and I punched the air making purple flames come from my fist. Purple, how?! Purple isn't even a flame color, well I guess a gas flame but though are normally blue. I kicked the air and the flames came from my feet. Now I tried earth bending. I brought up ten spikes. I poked the top and felt a sharp pain. I looked at my finger and it had a drop of blood dropping down my finger. Now that's sharp. I grinned at how sharp it was. I looked up at the moon, "Thank you." I whispered just as the moon disappeared and the sun rose. I walked back inside and saw Joker and Harley were just waking up. "Morning sweetpea." Harley said stretching. "What happened last night? All I remember is being surrounded by horses and then waking up." "Pitch came by and I uh got my earth bending and fire bending." I replied. Harley smiles and hugged me. I looked at the Joker and he smiled a real smile. I smiled back but it quickly disappeard. "I need to learn the last of my powers. Ill be back later." I said walking toward the door. "Alright but if you see b-man you run back here as fast as you can." Cried Harley as I walked out the door. I headed down the street. All there was around here were old apartments, some were abandoned with wood on the windows.

It was morning and the sun was supposed to be out but it was really foggy around this time. Strange it was sunny a while ago.

I walked around town, I didn't know where I just led my feet do the work.

I found my self standing in front of an old abandoned apartment building. I walked up to the door, knowing it was locked I kicked the door and it burst open. It was dark in here, I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I felt around on the nearby tables and felt a box of matches, I stuffed it in my pockets and felt around for something else, I felt somthing almost wooden. I took out the matches an lit one. It was a torch. I lit the Torch and walked around the main entrance. This wasn't an apartment complex, it was a BIG house that was abandoned.

It was all an old grey, well everything in here is old here. The tables, the floor, the couches, everything was coated with dust. Every step I took the floors creaked. I had walked around the down stairs, I headed for the stairs and started going up. I made it to the top and want into the first for the first door I saw.

Right when I opened it I came face To face with Pitch.

I'm sorry it's short! :/

I also have to say I might be ending the book in the next few or so chapters...:( I'm sorry bout that!!:(

The book for this chapter is::

Sweet dreams by elles14

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