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Anna's P.O.V

"Why did you gasp?" I asked the now shaking lady. When I talked she jumped up. Why was she so scared of me. "Oh relax Beth!" The cop ordered walking down the hallway and used some card in his pocket to open a metal door.

Inside the door were hundreds of cells with people in them. Some people were young or old, scarred or bored, every one of the were different.

We walked past ALOT of cells each one filled with a person. We made our way to cell #4457, the cop opened the door and pushed me in making me fall to my knees. I got back up and screamed at him, "I didn't kill that woman at all! I wasn't even there! I was taken to-.." I stopped talking. No one would believe me if I said the guardians are real and that I'm a guardian. If i did i'd probably be sentenced life here! "To?" The cop asked after shutting the door. "No one would belive me." I whispered. "Come on, talk woman!" He yelled at me seeming annoyed. "To- ok fine the guardians are real and I'm the last guardian to stop pitch and if I don't chaos WILL happen." I cried leaning onto the cell door. A few cell people giggled and/or laughed, The cop stood there giving me a 'are you fucking kidding me' look, then he burst out laughing. "Yeah nice try girly!" And he walked off. I cried after him, "I'm not crazy!" "Says the girl in the mental institute!" He said disappearing around the corner.

Suddenly the lights went out leaving only the moon beams to light the room through the small little barred up window.

"You know, none of us are crazy." A voice said. I knew that voice but I just couldn't place it. "I know. We are all just different it makes us unique." I reply. The voice seemed pleased with my answer. "What ya in for?" He asked. I sighed, "Supposedly killing my adoptive mother and injuring my abusive adoptive father. How bout you?" "Oh what am I not in here for. I bombed some buildings, killed people, injured people and what not. So...what's your--" he was cut off by another inmate yelling, "will you shout up! I'm trying to to sleep!" "Fine! Until tomarow doll face." The mystery voice said.

I took a good look at the cell, there was an old bed with a tan sheet and white pillow, a camera watching every part of the room except where the rusty old toilet was. I walked over to the barred up window and looked at the moon and sighed.


Next thing I know I'm walking up laying back against the wall with someone shaking ne. I opened my eyes. I almost had a full blown heart attack. It was the man from my dream/vision. He was shaking me saying, "wake up doll face, it's breakfast time." He stood and held his hand down to me. I froze starring at my 'dad' open mouthed. "What?" He asked. Maybe I'm wrong I could still be dreaming so I just shook it off and took his hand. He lifted me up and onto my feet. "Thanks." I mummbled. "Awe come on, is it the scars?" He questioned. "No it's not, but.. wait how did you get them?" I asked. "I'll tell you when we get breakfast." He replied taking my hand and pulling me down the hall.

The cafeteria was huge but old, dirty, and cramped, there was lots and lots and lots of lunch tables all over the place, people sat an talked, sat alone, or whispered to themselves. There was a long table off to the right with three ladies serving oatmeal looking slob.

We got our food and walked to the last table where no one sat.

We sat across from each other, he ate two bites, looked up and smirked, "It's just oatmeal, why don't you eat it? Dont like it?" He asked. I shook my head, "I've never tried it before." "Try it." He urged me on. I took a bite and fell in love with it, I took another one and another. "This is better thing anything I've ever eaten." I admitted. He looked alittle confused. "Yea it's pretty good but you should have had eaten something better before." I shook my head. "What have you been eating?" He asked a little worry in his voice. "Nope, I'm not answering until you answer how you go thoughs scars." I said determined to get answers. "Alright, I got them from my father, he was a drunk everynight. One night he came home worse than usual, mom got the kitchen knife to protect herself, daddy didnt like that, not, one bit. So he takes the knife, laughing while he does it. He turned to me said, why so serious son? Let's put a smiles on that face. And why so serious." He finished. 'I know how you feel." I whispered and rolled up my long sleeves and showed him my scars. He took my arm and examined carefully. He dropped my arm and nodded.

"Ok now, what's your name?" He asked. I hesitated. If I tell him and he reacts that means I am his daughter. "Anna." I replied. His eyes showed sadness, hurt, and anger. "My turn, did you ever have a duaghter?" He nodded and said, "Someone took her when she was a baby, her name was Anna. Who's your real parents?" He asks leaning closer. "I don't know but I don't remember a lot, a year ago I woke up in a forest not remembering anything but my name. That's when my abusive so called dad got me." I whispered the last part. A bell went off and guards came in with whips rushing everyone back into their cells. Joker or my biological father took my hand and ran me back to my cell right before a guard hit us. "Be careful ill see you later." He said and ran to his cell. A guard closed my cell.

So this is what Arkham is like... I hate it. I had heard rumors about this place sucking at keeping people locked up here, they normally just break out, it sure doesnt look like it.


I stood waiting or the joker to come or at least my cell door to open. I heard footsteps coming and my door opened. A cop stood there. "Anna you are being taken to a therapist." He said and pulled handcuffs on me.

I looked in every cell looking for the jokers and I finally found him. He was siting up a against the wall in deep thought, ounce he saw me he ran to the door and grabbing the guards arm. "Where are you taking her?" The joker demended. "Relax physco path! I'm just taking her taking her to a therapist." The guard stated getting his arm away from the joker. The guard looked at him in disgust and walked away with me looking at my dad as we walked. We made it to a door and the guard went right in. A woman was sitting at her desk reading some papers. "Hello anna, leave Steven!" The woman said not looking up. The guard unhand cuffed me and walked out shutting the door behind him.

"Hi I'm Dr. Macy but you can just call me Macy." She said standing up holding out her hand for a hand shake, I shook it and sat down I front of her. She sat and asked, "do you know why you're here?" "Yes but I didn't if anything he's the one who abused me!" I exclaimed. She wrote something down, "Now a cop told me you said something about guardians?" "Yes and they're real! Pitch is going to do something even bigger! I have to get out of here and help them!" I exclaimed standing up, she stood with me, "No Anna they aren't real, pitch isn't real. It was probably just a dream." 'No I have proof!" I looked at my wrist and the bracelet wasn't there. Wow I can't believe I actually JUST noticed! 'What is it?" Think think think!!! "Uh I I um.." "Exactly they aren't real, now do you have any questions? Today you can ask questions and tomarow you'll answer my questions." I nodded. Wait! I know one! "We'll this is more of a request but do you think I could have a blood test done to see if the joker is related to me?" She gulped but nodded. "One moment." She dialed a number and started talking, "I need HIM here right now!!!...... Yes him now send the signal out!!" She screamed the last part making me flinch. "Ok please come with me." she started walking to the door and down the hall. We past jokers cell and I gave him a smile and he smiled back.

We turned a corner and came to a door labeled infirmary.

It wa a small room with ALOT of medical supplies laying around on pretty much all the tables. There were no chairs but one the nurse was sitting in using a laptop. She looked up and smiled sweetly. "Hello nancy! We'd like a blood test on Anna here and the joker." Macy requested. The smile faded and the nurse turned to me.

She had coco brown curly hair that goes to her shoulders, she had tan skin, and wore black reading glasses prompted up on her nose loosely. She wore an old looking nurse uniform and even the hat. She looked to be in her 30's.

She nodded and Macy left after saying, "and HE is coming so take her to the talk room #3." The nurse nodded and got a needle from a drawer. "Ok Anna this will only pinch a little so stay still." I nodded and she poked it into my skin, she didnt even use alcohol for it! She withdrew the blood and needle, gave me a bad aid and started searching in a filing cabbet. I peeked over her shoulder and saw small blood bags with labels on them. I guess that where the prisoners blood goes.

She took out the jokers blood and started testing it in some machine.

A couple seconds later the results were....100%.

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The book title today is called:

A Flash of Gold by JackFrostRoxs

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