Vampire attack

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Anna's P.O.V

I needed to be alone. I had to think about my parents. Are they dead? If they're not where would they be? Can THE Joker actually be my dad? Wait-- that knife, the initials were A.J, could that stand for Anna Joker?

I walked down the halls clearing my mind when I heard my name being called. I didnt recognize the voice, "Anna." It whispered behind me. I whipped around and saw nothing. I brushed it off and kept walking.

I walked for at least an hour when I heard a different voice, "Anna we are here." It whispered behind me. I turned around to see two girls. The one on the left had dark brown hair that was just below her shoulders, brown, pale skin, and deep brown eyes. The other had cocoanut brown hair, ocean blue eyes, and white pale skin. They both were a foot taller than me and they wore the same outfit. Blue skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt with a light blue heart in the middle, and black converse. They didn't really look to much human.

"Hello Anna, we are here to take you away, forever." The one on the left said laughing. The other rolled her eyes and put a fake smile on her face and said, "Hi, I'm Lauren and this is Destiny. Listen, you need to come with us or we'll be forced to take you away...painfully." She smirked at this. "Who are you? And what are you? And why are you gonna take me away?!?" Maybe I should go find Jack and the others but I really wanted to know what they were and why they were here. "We are vampires silly!! And we are taking you away because you are Antonio's soul mate." Destiny replied like it was that obvious. I couldn't breath. I couldn't move. Had I heard them right? Antonio'a soul mate!?!? Pitch's son?!? The prince of nightmares?!? I think not!! I started running as fast as I could toward Jacks room. "Jack, Tooth, Bunny, North, Sandy! Help!!" I yelled as loud as I could.

I ran right into someone. It was the vampires. I gasped, how could they run that fast?!? "Vampire speed." Lauren said smirking.

The guardians were at the end of the hall running up to us. Lauren picked me up and held onto me. I felt something poke my neck. Vampire teeth. "You step any closer she'll be dead!" Growled lauren. "No Lauren! Antonio and Pitch need her alive! We need her to be the bri--" destiny was cut off by Lauren putting her hand Over her mouth. The guardians gasped. "Please tell she was not about to say bride?" Jack questioned. "Yes I was and she'll be all Antonio's." replied Destiny looking pleased with herself. Lauren rolled her eyes and added, "and none of you are coming to the wedding!" Suddenly Bunnymund threw his boomerang at Lauren's head making her drop me. I smirked and hit Lauren on the stomach with my foot. The guardians were coming to help when black sand hit them in the head making them all pass out into total nightmares. I ran to them trying to wake them but nothing worked.

I heard the vampires laugh. I got back up feeling my eyes burning red, they both gasped, I lifted my arms and started bending them with all the strength I had. They bent to wierd positions asking for mercy. "I'll stop when they wake up!!" I shouted furry and all.

Without a sudden hesitation a black ball of sand hit me smack in the face making me fall to the ground. The last thing I heard and saw were the vampires standing up smirking while Lauren muttered, "witch."

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Hope you have happy holidays!! The book I recommend this time is, The Jokers Daughter by Sannue

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