Earth and Fire

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Anna's P.O.V

"Well hello B-man." Greeted Harley.

Batman walked into the room fists clinched. "Give me anna." His voice seemed lighter than the last time we met. "Why do you want her?!" Yelled my dad stepping closer to batman. I looked closer at batman and noticed something off. He was almost floating. And his costume seemed darker and off a little. When batman didnt say anything dad took more steps closer to him. "No dad. Don't get so close." I took Jokers arm and pulled his arm back. "Why he'll take you if we don't fight." He replied worry in his voice as he glared at batman. "He's right puddin." Harley said taking my arm pulling me back a little. "No!" I ordered. Now all eyes were on me even 'batman'. "There's something off about him." I said taking a step closer but being pulled back by Joker.

I looked into batmans eye and noticed his eyes were pure black not a single bit of white shown, and his arms and legs seemed almost sandish. My eyes widened. "This isn't batman. It's Pitch's army." I said right when 'batman' turned into three horses made of sand. Tons of horses came out of the shadows and surrounded us. The joker an Harley pulled me close to them as the shadows came forward. "How do we kill them?" Asked Harley worry in her voice. "I guess just slice through them, we'll need bigger knifes." I looked around and saw a crate that said, machetes. I looked for an opening between shadows but found none. Then I noticed something, joker, Harley and I were all huddled under a single light bulb. The shadows tried getting into the light but backed off quickly. An idea came to mind. "Lift me up and stay with the light!' I order them. I saw them nod and Joker cuffed up his hands and he hoisted me up. I grabbed the light and shown it towered the crate. The shadows backed off making a big opening toward the crate. "Hold the lamp exactly like this." I ordered harley. She nodded and held the lamp standing on her tippy toes. I started running to the crate with Joker by my side. I saw a crow bar and started using it to open the crate. It finally snapped open and we took three machetes out. We ran back to Harley just as she fell and dropped the light back down to us. I handed out the machetes and said, "slice them in half." And with that we all started slicing.

Most were coming for me but I fought them off with ease.

I looked at the Joker and Harley but didnt see them. I looked around and saw them both passed out on the floor, by the looks of it they were having a nightmare. I felt rage in me. My eyes felt red hot, I sliced through a few more horses when suddenly I heard an ear piercing scream. It came from Harley, my real mom. I had finally reached my limit and dropped the machete on the floor. Rumbling started happening, the ground shook. Seconds later of nightmares circling me spikes came from the ground. All made of rock. The spikes took out several nightmares. I smiled and felt like a whole new person. More murderous and deadly. I clenched my fists Harder making more spikes come up killing more nightmares. I raised my hand an made a smooth and round surface of rock come up from the ground. I started lightly sliding my hands on each new layer of rock that came as the other flew while destroying more nightmares.

Another scream came from harley. I was way past my limit and started punching the air. As I did this fire came from my bare fists eliminating every single nightmare in the room. Now I felt drained.

I fell to my knees as Harley an the joker got up and rushed toward me. I felt my eyes closing. But before they did the voice came to my head, "Good.. But more is to come."

And then nothing.

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