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"HEY, NYX. THE GENERAL is looking for you."  Fedyor Kaminsky announces as he walks passed the girl. She takes a deep breath and raises an eyebrow. Glancing in the direction of the General's quarters, she sighs.

"I would say you're in trouble, but since you're his favourite you should be fine." Zoya Nazyalensky muses, making her roll her eyes and shove the Squaller.

"You're real funny, Zoya. Didn't realise you of all people could crack a joke." She grumbles in annoyance, making Zoya snort and shake her head. The two girls have been close friends for a very long time, spending some of their free time together, when Zoya wasn't off on a mission or Nyx by the General's side.

"Well best of luck. I assume I'll see you at dinner." Zoya muses, making Nyx nod, before making her way to the General's office. As always, they wouldn't sit together for dinner, since Grishas rarely ever mix. The Etherealki and Corporalki would compete among each other often for the attention of the General. The Materialki were too busy inventing and experimenting to even bother.

Zoya, Nyx, Ivan, Fedyor and David, were the very few Grishas who would spend time together, even if they are from different Grisha Orders, simply due to the fact that they were part of the General's inner circle. His most trusted soldiers, so to say. David was a Durast, specialising in material fabrications. Zoya, a Squaller, could summon air to her will. The other three were all Heartrenders, able to affect the vital organs. What made Nyx different from the others is the fact that she's the closest to the General, having known him for as long as she could remember.

As she reaches the doors that leads into the war room, she nods at the two guards standing on the side and pushes one of the doors open. Out of all the rooms in the Little Palace, this was the darkest one. Nearly everything was black, from the walls to central table.

Nyx notices him leaning against the table, looking down at the map of Ravka and its neighbouring countries. She closes the door behind her and straightens up.

"You called for me." Nyx says softly, making him look up at her and nod towards the map. She takes this as a signal for her to get closer and slowly walks up to him. She takes look at where he's looking and raises an eyebrow as she notices his focus on the Fold. "Planning on destroying your enemies?"

"Unfortunately, can't do that, yet." He hums and she chuckles softly. He steps away and makes his way towards one of the windows, glancing out with his hands behind his back. He was a complete contrast compared to the light that shone around him. His perfectly combed black hair and black kefta, a symbol of his position, his power as the lone shadow summoner, the Darkling. "I'm planning a trip down to the Fold."

"Is that so? West Ravka would love to see you, I'm certain." She responds sarcastically, making her way around the table and leaning against it as she looks out the window as well. "I'm assuming it's to see the demonstration of the new Skiff."

"You're assuming correctly. I will be taking Zoya, Ivan and Fedyor." He muses and she raises an eyebrow questioningly.

"Should I be offended I'm not invited?" She wonders and he shakes his head as he turns around to face her. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips. It is rare to see him smiling, Zoya would have said, but for Nyx it wasn't so much.

"You know very well that you're the most important person to me. It's not because I don't want you there, it's because I need you here." He assures her and she rolls her eyes, but she can't help the smile from stretching on her lips.

"Flattery won't get you far, Aleksander." She says teasingly and he playfully glares at her. "I don't mind staying here, it saves me from making the long trip. As long as you don't go creating another Fold."

"You truly do enjoy tormenting me, don't you Nyx?" He muses, slightly amused by her verbal jabs at him

"Well, someone has to keep you on your toes." She giggles and he chuckles softly. Moments like this, when it was just the two of them, they could be carefree and not worry about the war, his plans for the Fold, or even the king.

"And I'm sure you enjoy that task." He teases and she snickers. He makes his way towards the door that connects to his rooms, stopping in front of the doorway. "Nyx, I have a feeling things are about to change."

"Do you have that much hope in the Skiff?" She wonders, making him shake his head. She could practically see the wheels turning his head.

"No. It's more than that. Do you trust me?" He asks softly and she gives him a look, wondering if he was being serious.

"I think we're way past the question of trust. Of course." She says jokingly and he takes a deep breath.

"Good. Just trust me till the end."

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