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DARKNESS ALREADY ENGULFED the day, the moon being the only thing visible in the sky. Nyx stayed up during the night, while the soldiers were busy preparing the frontlines. She'd stay in the main tent, doing the necessary paperwork. The stillness of the night helped her focus and be at ease.

It has already been a week since they'd started working. Having dug a three hundred meter long trench, with the help of the few Etheralki and Adrian's explosive materials. They'd planted a few mines ten meters from the trench to make sure the opposition never got to close. Everything was going as planned, and there seemed nothing to be going on in the south.

"Nyx! They're here." Nikolai bursts through the flaps on the tents, making her eyes widen. Standing up she rushes out, taking her Kefta off the coat hanger. Following him out, she slips the black material on, without stopping. They arrive where Viktor and the rest of the higher ups are awaiting orders.

"Listen carefully everyone. We are getting in the way of the Darkling's goals. He will do everything to destroy us. Do not ever underestimate him or the Second Army. Understood?" Nyx asks as she looks at all the men in front of her, keep her head up.

"Who are you to give us orders?" One of them asks, making her gaze turn to a glare and in a blink of an eye, his knees buckle as she causes him a heart attack.

"I used to be the second in command of the Second Army. I am your General." She snarls, as he gasps out in pain, clutching on to his chest. "So show a little respect."

"She is in charge and if any of you try to disrespect her, I will consider it a rebellion against me." Nikolai says firmly as Nyx brings the man's heart back to a normal state.

"If you have nothing else to say, gather your men and prepare for battle." Nyx says, making them all nod and walk away. She turns to look at Nikolai, her jaws locked. "You didn't have to say that. I had everything under control."

"They need to learn to respect you." He points out and she scoffs.

"I don't care about their respect. I want their obedience, that's all." She snaps, before walking away and going to the makeshift stables. She felt on edge, she had believed that she was ready to face this, but she was uncertain right now.

"Nyx!" She turns around to see Adrian look at her with wide eyes.

"You're not coming. You still have not recovered and since we have no healer, you stay here." Nyx says as she turns back around and continues walking in the direction she was planning to go.

"I know. I'm not here to ask you to go. I'm here to see you off, like the good brother I am." He beams as he catches up with her. She glances up at him and she feels her worries moves to the back of her minds.

"Thanks. I have chosen a name for my horse." She muses as they reach the mentioned. The horse was already saddled and prepared to go, so she takes the reigns and turns to look at Adrian. "Libitina. In a far eastern country, it means goddess of death. In that same country, my name means goddess of night."

"It seems fitting." Adrian hums as he pats the horses side, before Nyx mounts her. "Then, Nyx I hope you make them feel something worse than death on the battle field."

"You have my word. I'll see you later." She smirks, before using the reigns to signal to Libitan to move. And without hesitation, she leaves the camps and behind her she can hear the many hooves and footsteps of her army following. She was leading her own army.

It doesn't take them long to reach the trenches and as she urges Libitan to jump over it, before coming to stop right in front of it. Making sure not to go too far, where the mines are planted. Dismounting her, she takes a few steps forward and watches as his army comes marching towards her. One of the soldiers comes to take her horse away and she smirks as she prepares her first move.

Closing her eyes, she brings her hands together - taking a deep breath to make sure she's focused - before opening her eyes and throwing her hands apart. With a chuckle she watches as at least a hundred people of his army drop to the floor. Most of them were Grisha, and she knew the Healers and Heartrenders would move to try to help them, but she would keep a hold on their organs, keeping them barely alive.

Closing her eyes again, she listens to the hundreds of heartbeats under her control. Only she could hear them all, only she could feel their air barely making its way into their lungs and the blood flow slowing down. She couldnt help but savour the power she had.

Suddenly she feels something cool on her skin and she snaps her eyes open, to be faces to face with him.

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