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"GENERAL." NYX GREETS HIM formally as she walks up to him and the sun summoner. She tries not to scoff at the ridiculous attire the girl is in, a first army uniform and a golden veil hanging from her hat.

"Miss Starkov, let me formally introduce you to my second in command." Aleksander hums, making the girl look at Nyx with wide eyes of disbelief. "Nyx, this is the sun summoner, Alina Starkov."

"You're a Corporalki." Alina blurts out in disbelief, making Nyx raise an eyebrow questioningly.

"Did you expect me to be a shadow summoner? Or do you consider a Corporalki not powerful enough to be the right hand of the General of the Second Army?" Nyx nearly snarls down at her, making Alina flinch and Aleksander glares at her.

"Nyx, I expect you to be on your best behaviour today." He says calmly and it didn't take a genius to realise, that under his calm tone was a silent order to listen. She takes deep breath to try and calm herself, deciding to not say anything. He takes her silence as a compliance. "She will greet the King and Queen prior to us, and then I'll take the lead."

"Why does she go first?" Alina asks curiously, making Nyx smirk as she turns around and starts walking away.

"Because the King hates me and wants me out of sight as soon as possible." Nyx says over her shoulder, without sparing them a glance as they enter the Grande Palace.

Nyx walks past the awaiting Grishas, nodding her respect to them. She spots Zoya in between them and winks at her, making the Squaller smile. Nyx hadn't had the chance to see her since she had come back. Especially with the arrival of the sun summoner and all the chaos that had come with it.

Walking down the steps, she makes her way to the dais, where the two thrones are set up. She can see the scowl on the king's face forming and it takes all her will power to not laugh at that. The only reason he hated her, was because he had made advances towards her and she had immediately denied him.

"Moi tsar, moya tsaritsa. On behalf of the Second Army, I greet you." Nyx lowers her head in a slight bow, before straightening up. The king scowls and waves her off.

"Yes, alright. Where is she?" The King asks impatiently, making her step aside to leave the path for Aleksander and Alina. As soon as they're standing in front of dais, she doesn't waste her time any longer there and makes her way to other Grishas. She quickly finds Zoya and stands with her. Nyx looks back towards the dais, in time to see Alina remove the veil. "I thought she'd be taller."

"I thought she was Shu. Well, I guess she's Shu enough. Tell her... oh, I don't know... good morning." The Queen says, making Nyx scoff at how blatantly disrespectful the sovereignty was being. She may not like Alina, but that was a line she would never cross.

"I don't actually speak Shu, Your Highness." Alina says bluntly, making Nyx cross her arms as she watches in intrigue.

"Then what are you?" The Queen asks, making Alina stiffen, before she turns to look at the Grisha with uncertainty. Aleksander looks down at her, before back up at the Queen and King.

"She is Alina Starkov, the sun summoner, moya tsaritsa." Aleksander jumps in, making Alina look up at him with a bewildered look. Nyx scoffs, as watches them both lower their heads in a quick bow. "She will change the future. Starting now."

Without anymore delay, Aleksander summons for the shadows, making the room turn pitch black. He turns to face Alina, before leaning closer to her. Nyx clenches her jaw, unable to stop the jealousy from rising. He straightens up and takes her hand, making light burst from her, causing gasps and murmurs of wonders.

Nyx drops her arms to her side, unable to stop her slight awe. As she watches her light chase away his shadows. It also pained her to see the way they were standing in the middle of the throne room, the two most powerful Grishas. Equals. Opposites. As much as she hated to admit it, Alina could become something she never could to Aleksander.

He turns to face the dais again, before letting go of her hand. Everyone starts cheering, even the King stands up to clap in amazement. Grishas murmur among themselves in excitement and awe.

"How long will she need?" The King asks, making Aleksander step closer towards him.

"Destroying the Fold will be no easy feat. She alone may not be able to do it. She will remain with me at the Little Palace to train... undisturbed." The silent threat in his last word, resonates clearly in the large room.

"Then train her quickly. Our wars have been a noble pursuit, but this chatter from the West about becoming a sovereign nation, that needs to stop. The sooner we are one country again, the better." The King says firmly, making Nyx scoff. She wondered if he truly thought they were stupid, they were aware what was stake, he didn't need to remind them.

"Agreed... moi tsar." Aleksander says, bowing to dismiss himself. Alina does the same, before he walks up to her. He takes her hand and they walk together towards the Grisha.

"All it takes to become so close to the General is to become the sun summoner. Should have prayed the Saints harder to become one." Zoya scoffs in distaste, turning to look at Nyx, who was looking at Aleksander in disbelief, unshed tears in her eyes. "Nyx-"

"Forget it. It's not like I worked my entire life to get where I am. All she is good at is being used to destroy the Fold." Nyx scoffs, before turning around and leaving the throne room.

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